I couldn't help but smile at the news last night.
Here in San Diego, 3 guys are being chased by the police while driving their stolen car. The fog gets quite thick, so the police stop the chase, but then realize that the car they were chasing pulled over. The 3 guys jump out of the car. One guy runs down the freeway, and gets caught. Two others jump over a guard rail to get away from the cops. What the two guys didn't realize in all the fog, is that they had stopped on a bridge. When they jumped over the guard rail, they fell 125 feet. One died immediately, the other bounced a few times before coming to a rest on the bottom of the ravine, and has not regained consciousness. At least not by the last I heard.
A fitting end to a crime.
The sad part was they were 17.
At least the city will save the money convicting these guys of car theft. Though they surely would have gotten out right away so they could go steal more cars, or worse.