Well, I'm certian we have deemunz in our house, then.
They mess up the kids' rooms, they leave the door open when the a/c is on, they put the milk container back in the fridge with 1/8" of milk in the bottom, and they put the toilet seat up. On top of that, they take the clothes that the kids have hung in their closets like they were told to, and pile them on the floor! These deemunz have even been known to take dirty clothes out of the hamper and place them on the bathroom floor, they delight in leaving shoes in the entryway for us mortals to trip on, and they always eat the rest of the icecream without telling anyone.
I know it's deemunz because no one here does those things. They promise.
Seriously, though, having a 'spirit' in the house would absolutely freak me out... !!!