Metatron, I love the way you have stripped this subject down to bare bones, open and honest. I also love the feedback from everyone else. Having been there and done that, I can only agree and wish that I had wised up a long time ago.
I tried and tried to do my best, shielding the poor innocents from what I thought were over eager elders, only to have it blow up in your face.
I refused an assignment, they said in this open forum we can be honest and nominate for the position, I nominated, but then an "old boy" said he wanted an older elder on the job, so that was me out. They then had a more menial job that needed to be done, perhaps I could do that? I said NO I AM NOT INTERESTED IN DOING THAT....
You know what happened after that? We had at that meeting the "Circuit Assembly" overseer, he decides who gives talks at conventions......
Just one experience stating the same. Not to mention late nights, consumning petty problems [that Satan....he's saying dont blame me, I had nothing to do with it!!] Politics, Team playing, and on and on.