I was just curious about this question. When I was a JW I remember a young baptized sister that got pregnant and she was unmarried. I was waiting for the elders to either disfellowship her or reprove her but nothing happened to her. Everybody was talking about this case and said the elders were showing this girl "favoritism"because one of the elders was her uncle. The whole congregation was in chaos over this one pregnant sister. She was treated like a leper. But she was not disfellowshipped or put on public reproof. I was just wondering were there any cases similar to this one in your kingdom hall. I always thought that if a sin is known by outsiders and JW's the elders would have to disfellowship or reprove to keep the congregation from reproach from Jehovah. Years later this same girl got pregnant again and the second time the elders finally disfellowshipped her. She got reinstated about 2 years later and again was disfellowshipped for the 2nd time. As of today she is no longer associating with JW's. Her mother still comes to my mom's hall but off and on. The family drifted away after this girl's younger brother was killed in gang violence. He was a drug dealer and was shot to death over drugs with a rival gang.
Do you know of any "baptized" JW's single sisters that got "pregnant"?
by booker-t 30 Replies latest jw experiences
I remember two sisters who were best friends. Both got caught fooling around with their boy friends. One got pregnant and was DFed while the other was reproved.
As I understand it, the elders "needed to make an example of the one who got pregnant".
And I thought they DFed those who are unrepentant... of course the one who was not DFed had an elder dad and the one who was DFed had a "spiritually week" family. I suspect some strings were pulled.
I remember a young woman (she was a lot older than me at the time it happened, but probably my age today) got raped and ended up pregnant. I remember my mom speaking about how unfair/unchristianlike it was for some of the elders and Holier-than-thous shunning her and giving her a hard time in the KH. Again with the whole if you don't scream, did you want it kind of mentality I'm guessing. Well I remember she was very sad looking all the time but I would always greet her...I guess a kindred spirit thing? My mom finally got some of the other women together and threw a shower for her. Circumstances or not, she needed baby things to help take care of her newborn.
It took a long time for the KH to reaccept her back into the flock. Here was a girl who literally did nothing wrong but walked down a street and was attacked. How's that for love and compassion?
Lady Lee
I knew of 2 who were DFed and a 3rd one was moved into our congregation from somewhere else but was not DFed and the whole cong was encouraged to support her
I remember a pioneer sister who was giving an experience on the platform at the assembly. My husband leaned over to me, and whispered, "She sure looks pregnant to me." Sure enough she was, and she was disfellowshipped later. Back then, it was the seriousness of the sin more than whether one was repentent that would lead to being DF'd.
I remember that happening with a single sister in her 20's. Her father and uncle were elders in a small congregation. Never DF'd or publicly reproved although the "rule" back then was if a sin was publicly known, private reproof was not possible and gave the example of a single sister being pregnant.
He who makes the rules, rules.
My daughter got pregnant at 19 and was DFd. There was an elder's daughter in the same congregation that got pregnant at the same time; they had grown up together. The elder's daughter was not DFd because she was a little slow, mentally. Funny, she attended classes with my daughter all through school. She never did seem like the sharpest crayon in the box, but she knew right from wrong. I remember running into her in the store shortly after my daughter was DFd and she made quite the show out of how sorry she felt for me because my daughter had been DFd. Somehow the little smirk on her face when she said it made me want to punch her!
Yeah, we've all seen the partiality and double-standards for elders' families at one time or another. Hypocites!
No, but I have typed some of their medical reports from doctor's dictation where some admitted having sex with multiple partners.
Yep.....She was married a few years ago. She was 4 months Pregnant and it was a very quick wedding. She was married in July and baby was born in Dec. I remember a sister telling me that she had her baby and acted as if nothing was wrong. I then said I didn't know it took only 5 months to have a baby. I was pissed off because everyone knew everyone went to her wedding and no one went to mine because I wasn't baptized weird huh?