Circuit Overseers

by Outaservice 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • theinfamousone

    i just loved how hundreds would appear to the meetings whuile he was there, and then when he was gone we were back to like 45 ppl... like they were tricking him into thinking they were good... like he didnt see attendance records... its ridiculous...

    the infamous one

  • vitty

    My husband couldnt stand any of them, he said they were arrogant, and would never acknowlege him.

    That was because he wasnt a suck up and we never invited them round for a meal.

    His opinion of them got worse when he was made a servant and started seeing the workings from the inside.

  • garybuss

    We'd always so look forward to their visits and we'd show up at the fresh cleaned Hall with smiles and excitement. Then they'd inevitably blast us about secret sinners and the lost spirit. The service chart would be swung out by a ready accomplice and the circuit servant would chew our asses out for a solid 25 minutes. It just sucked!

  • Mary

    Most of the ones we had were all arrogant assholes. I remember one guy in particular---he was a real pig. This one elderly sister (who was quite poor materially, but a real sweetheart) invited him and his brain-dead wife over for lunch after Service on Saturday. She invited me and a couple of others over too. Well, the Lord God Almighty walks through the door, doesn't say hello to anyone there, plops himself down on the couch, picks up the newspaper and started to read it. He had that air about him that "...I'm sooo much better than any of you and I'm sooo much further up the spiritual food chain. Why do I have to endure meals with these low-lives?"

    He was like that all the way through the lunch. I really wanted to slap him. The elderly sister could really sense that he didn't want to be there and almost started to cry. When she asked him if he wanted dessert, he replied he didn't because the lunch was enough for him, but in a very derogetory way---in other words, the lunch wasn't to his liking, so why would he put himself though dessert? I was stunned that anyone, in particular a CO, could be that rude to anyone, let alone a sweet elderly widow (didn't Jesus tell us to care for these people?)

    Anyway, when she went to get the rest of us dessert, me not exactly being a meek, quiet Christian,I asked him in front of everyone else if he was always this ignorant to old people, or if he was just having a bad day. You could've heard a pin drop. He fixed me with a filthy look and said he didn't think he was being rude at all. I told him I thought differently. Naturally no one backed me up because who wants to say anything bad against a CO? He and wifey left in a huff and I knew he'd make a bee-line for the elders to tell them what a mouthy bitch I was (like they didn't already know?) One of them said something to me after the bozo left, but amazingly, when I told the elder what had really happened, they didn't pursue it any farther. I think this particular CO pissed everyone off and the elders simply couldn't be bothered defending him.

  • xjwms


    Way too go .!!!

    I like that

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    Out here we had this one particular Bastard of a CO, who irritated everyone, he was extremely arrogant, very young when he was named CO I think he was around 28, hadn't worked a day in his life, you know the kind, pioneer, MS, Elder, then CO, he was offended when anyone had any fun around him, he said it was unchristian, his wife had an air of superiority about her, he actually told all the sisters in the congregation from the platform, to please not tell his wife their problems, that it would just upset her.

    He was quite younger than his wife and extremely overweight, they made an odd couple. Eventually he was sent to a territory that was quite a challenge, they have their own version of being a JW there, and he thought he would tame them hahahahahahaha, well it backfired, he instead got in trouble there, he never showed up for his assignments, claiming illness, and was eventually fired from being a CO. Welcome to the real world, needless to say he now had to get a job and struggle like the rest of us, boy I wish I was a flower on that wall, his wife I guess had to come down from her high horse, ah such is life, you spew crap, yet don't realize that one day you will have to eat it.


  • juni

    I can only remember 1 CO that was normal and not overly righteous. One CO would always make the comment while he addressed the cong. "I see a lot of submarines here today." This was referring to those who only came to the Hall for CO visit and the Memorial. Wasn't that rude? How would that be an encouragement to those that perhaps were trying to turn over a new leaf and get back into the swing of things? Juni

  • JAVA

    me not exactly being a meek, quiet Christian,I asked him in front of everyone else if he was always this ignorant to old people, or if he was just having a bad day.

    You're my kind of JW; thanks for sharing your meek little experience!

    Theodore Jaracz was our District Overseer for about a year. He was the most arrogant jerk we ever had--nearly everyone hated him. He's been a member of the Governing Body for years now, which says a lot about the qualities the "Faithful Slave" seeks.

  • Virgogirl

    Ours were always couples in their 60's and didn't stay very long before being reassigned. One Co had the most sinister smile when he fixed his stare on you. There was a suck up ministerial servant whose wife was expecting a baby. They named their baby girl after sister CO and made sure everyone knew that's what they were doing. (Can you say, big points?) She was a snotty unfriendly woman, but this made her smile a little.

  • ocsrf

    I remember being a MS and attending the Sat. night meeting for ms and elders. This guy was not socialable or particularly nice. He got to the end of what he had to say to all of us and than said "all the ms can go" than went on like we were nothing but dirt.

    I was used to at least a little fellowship at such meetings and some encouragement for all the stuff we had to do, but this guy treated us like less than dirt. That one meeting pissed me off so much I still remember it years later.


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