Circuit Overseers

by Outaservice 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cellist

    That's OK, Dune. I wondered what you meant. How I took the comment seemed a little out of character for you.


  • Poztate

    The last CO in my wife's cong may not have skimmed too much money but he sure was a lazy bugger.He always changed the service meeting times to 10 or 10.30 in the morning because"we don't want to disturb people at too early an hour" The very next week the group was back to it's usual 9:15 time....seems a little strange to me that the elders didn't want to take his advice on service times.

  • Legolas
    Anyway, when she went to get the rest of us dessert, me not exactly being a meek, quiet Christian,I asked him in front of everyone else if he was always this ignorant to old people, or if he was just having a bad day. You could've heard a pin drop. He fixed me with a filthy look and said he didn't think he was being rude at all. I told him I thought differently. Naturally no one backed me up because who wants to say anything bad against a CO? He and wifey left in a huff and I knew he'd make a bee-line for the elders to tell them what a mouthy bitch I was (like they didn't already know?) One of them said something to me after the bozo left, but amazingly, when I told the elder what had really happened, they didn't pursue it any farther. I think this particular CO pissed everyone off and the elders simply couldn't be bothered defending him.

  • Mary
    Cellist asked: Has anyone here ever met that old Canadian lawyer?

    You mean Glenn Howe? I believe Mouthy may know him.........Grace, tell everyone what he did to you when you went to court to support a victim of child molestation!

  • arwen

    I have never met Glen Howe but fought a custody battle with him in a courtroom in Toronto.....HE LOST big time. My ex had abducted my two small children for six months..I found them with a investogater and got a court order. My ex had gone to court up there and lied to the court saying he didn't know where I was...I was HOME....He was awarded ex parte custody. which was overturned when the judge heard the circumstances. the children were returned to me that very day in the courthouse. My lawyer, Philip Epstein invited us to stay the night with he and his family and treated us royally. He was Jewish!! I never forgot that name, Glen Howe,,,what did he know of me and my children....makes to cry just to think about that sh-- again. I can feel my heart breaking again and my gut is starting to pain. I'll just never get over that.

  • jwfacts

    I had CO's of all sorts, some were great, some shocking, some boring.
    I have some very close relatives that are on the Circuit, and they are really nice people. The amount of money that they get depends on which circuit they are on, the rich areas can give them hundreds of dollars a week, from other areas they dont get money for weeks.
    I have discussed the wrongs with the truth with them many times and asked how they can devote their lives to it when they know it is all a bit suspect. They feel they are really helping people and choose to emphasis the areas of being a JW that are beneficial to peoples lives (though we often disagree on what those areas are).
    I have been pushing them to try to get changes made to the rules on being disfellowshipped, but they don't think being CO's holds much weight. They look on bethelites as having more power within the organisation than them.

  • LDH
    Once, when times were hard for us, a CO gave me $20.

    It's ok, don't feel too bad for them. They didn't work for it. They got it from my parents and people like them.

    In the days before credit card verification, my parents always gave the CO DO their cards to have a little spending spree. This after housing them for two weeks twice a year. Since we had a large house, they could stay put instead of moving after one week. Gourmet meals were the order of the day.

    I don't feel a bit sorry for any of them. I loved John Adams and his wife. That's about the size of it.

  • Cellist

    Mary, yes that was the name. What did he do to Mouthy?

    Arwen, I'm sorry to hear of what happened to you. I wouldn't have brought the subject up if I'd known it would bring back such painful memories for you. ((hugs))


  • arwen

    Thanks, Cellist, but the memories are always there. I have two strong sons that love me dearly and realize the lies and manipulations that their father put them through. I just wish I had of been a stronger person then but I am free now and I have that peace of mind about my decision about leaving the "cult" so it will all work out in the end. Thank you for you care and concern.

  • gladdy

    I cant believe it is OVER! Our prayers have been answered, Arwen is OUT and now able to go on with her life and her children are FREE to be whatever they want to without the GUILT! The abduction was all such a F>>>ing nightmare, I hope he rots in hell. By the way, did I mention HE is an ELDER in Nova Scotia, someone you'd want to turn to with your troubles, eh? And he is just one that we know of.........

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