| Fossilised dung proves that dinosaurs ate grass Kate Ravilious Friday November 18, 2005 The Guardian Scientists raking through some 65m-year-old Indian dinosaur dung have found the first definite proof that dinosaurs ate grass. Caroline Strömberg, from the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm, led a team that found distinctive silica structures called phytoliths in fossilised sauropod dung, which can only have come from grass. The results, published in the journal Science today, show that the dinosaur had dined on five different species of grass, as well as munching its way through conifers and palms. All five species of grass are found growing worldwide today. Gumby |
The dubs were right! OMG!
by gumby 24 Replies latest watchtower bible
So THIS is where all the research money is going to.
five different species of grass, as well as munching its way through conifers and palms
Well, of course some dinos ate grass and trees. Other dinos, the carnivors/scavengers ate those dinos. This is just as it is in mammals. So, come back out of that king hall, gummy breath, we need you here.
You just don't get it do you Saaaaaaaatan.........us
Plants first, then plant eating dinosaurs, then dinosaurs that ate plant eatin dinosaurs. No mater how you slice it the plant eatin dinosaur ate the other dinosaur just to get to the plants he had in his stomach and the meat was just in the way. He was after the plants, I swear to god!
just to get to the plants he had in his stomach and the meat was just in the way.
Sounds like some of those crackheads downtown. They'll do anything to get at their stuff. Me, i'm a carnivor, at least in the am. Towards the evening, i go more into plant matter. Yah, those*
*so you don't see the bloodshot eyes*
I just knew you'd try to seduce me with your filthy drug talk.
* goes out to garage and rolls one*
Hey, Gumbear, roll me one too.
I guess in a million years some poor scientist will dig up Gumby's fossilised poop and prove that he was on the grass too.
That's correct nic....and it can all be found right here.
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So Dinosaurs ate grass....
That hardly means that you shouldnt celebrate birthdays, or go to ballet classes in a church hall, or go to the toilet during the middle song, or say 'good fortune' instead of ;good luck; or not go to school play practise, or make an easter basket at primary school, or ...or...