Ain't heard of any of those ones Nathan
You ever heard a them Penisauruserectimus ones?
I wonder how DFedasaurus or Scholarasaurus would answer?
by gumby 24 Replies latest watchtower bible
Ain't heard of any of those ones Nathan
You ever heard a them Penisauruserectimus ones?
I wonder how DFedasaurus or Scholarasaurus would answer?
Then there was the class of dinos known as ovolactosaurus. They lived on milf and eggs.
The point is not whether some even most dinosuars were plant eaters, the discovery is that grasses had evolved by this time. If this study is peer reviewed and reproducible then it will affect our understanding of the evolution of grasses.
The point is not whether some even most dinosuars were plant eaters
Yes it is.....that's exactly my point. Dubs believe ALL animal/mammals ate vegetation BEFORE the flood. Then AFTER the flood some fed on each other. The above proves they were created that way from the beggining as they have found dinosaurs with meat in their bellies......not grass that looks like meat. Ya big peacfulpetasarus!
...add to these the extremely rare egoivoires.
Fossil evidience suggests they subsisted entirely on their own flesh, which led to their immediate extinction.