Im not an expert but I think that sauropods were herbivours.
The dubs were right! OMG!
by gumby 24 Replies latest watchtower bible
NO dumbo
Herbopods were Saurivors... Surely...
Darth Yhwh
The Sauropod Dinosaurs
Sauropods are a subgroup of the saurischian, or "lizard-hipped," dinosaurs. This group of quadrupedal (four-legged), herbivorous animals had a relatively simple body plan which varied only slightly throughout the group. Early relatives of the sauropods, the Late Triassic plateosaurs or prosauropods, may have occasionally stood on their hind legs. True sauropods, such as Diplodocus shown here, appeared in the Late Triassic and began to diversify in the Middle Jurassic, about 180 million years ago. They had very long necks and tails, relatively small skulls and brains, and erect limbs reminiscent of the limbs of elephants. The nostrils of these animals were located high up on the skulls, rather than being located at the end of the snout like those of so many other terrestrial vertebrates. In fact, in some examples these nostril openings were so far up the skull that they were very close to the eye openings. Still another unusual feature which appeared in some of the later sauropods was rudimentary body armor.Geographically, these animals were widespread, with remains, in the form of bones or footprints, having been found on all of the continents except Antarctica. In addition to their wide geographic distribution, sauropods are one of the most long-lived groups of dinosaurs, spanning some 100 or so million years, from the Lower Jurassic to the Upper Cretaceous. The end of the Jurassic represents, in terms of abundance, the zenith in sauropod history.
Find out more about the sauropod diet.
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Thanks for the poopreport, gummy. I found the poonurse section to be very supportive.
Back to the dinos. I believe that tree eating dinos should be brought back, the reason being forrest fire control. That's right. Ever since the tree eaters got wiped, nature has been growing rampantly. My theory is that if natural tree trimmers roaming around in the various forests, there would be less to burn, thus preventing forrest fires. Just remember, you read this idea here first. Don't let some alphabet scientist fool you when he claims this idea as his.
I personally will demand of Tony Blair that tree eating dinosaurs are brought back.
There is more chance of that than NHS dentists being created, or teachers with powers to discipine unruly pupils, or criminals that actually have to make amends for the damage they have done...
Ok....I lied. I figured some dubbies might show up and say.." I told ya so,na nanan na naaaa na"!
So I'm gonna get back at the bastards and show em dinosaurs ate meat before Noah's arse ever whittled his first stud for the ark.
GumbasaurusSpinosaurus The Spinosaurus was a meat eating dinosaur that lived during the Cretaceous Period. It grew up to 40 feet long. Its most outstanding feature was its 6 foot high spines on its back, looking like a large sail. It is believed that the long, narrow spines helped to cool the Spinosaurus. Stegosaurus The Stegosaurus lived during the late Jurassic Period. It grew to 25 feet in length, and up to 2 tons in weight. It was a plant eating dinosaur with a small head and neck. It had large triangular plates on its neck, back and tail. It also had long, pointed spines at the end of its tail that could be used to protect itself by hitting attacking dinosaurs. Torosaurus The Torosaurus was a horned dinosaur. It had a large frill around its neck as part of its skull. It grew to 9 feet long. Triceratops The Triceratops is the best known horned dinosaur. It lived during the Cretaceous Period. It was a plant eating dinosaur with a hooked beak. The Triceratops had 3 horns: one on its nose, and two above its eyes. It had a small neck frill. It grew to 30 feet long and 10 feet tall at its hips. Tyrannosaurus The Tyrannosaurus is the best known dinosaur. It lived during the Cretaceous Period. It was one of the biggest meat eating dinosaurs at 50 feet long and 20 feet tall, weighing up to 6 tons. It had powerful jaws, with sharp 7 inch teeth, well designed for eating other dinosaurs. It could use its long tail for balance when attacking other dinosaurs. Velociraptor The Velociraptor was a small, fast-running dinosaur that lived during the Cretaceous Period. It grew up to 6 feet in length. It was a meat eating dinosaur with a long snout, powerful jaws and sharp curved teeth. It also had a large claw on its foot used for hunting -
P******ts and dogs eat grass sometimes....
Still can't type that word without trembling.
Hey Mini Mustang Covetin' GumbMason, your thread is a hit with my 4 year old grandson Mickey. Two of some of his favorite subjects, dinos and poo. Now, find a way to throw in Star Wars and he'll be floating on cloud nine.
I lied. I figured some dubbies might show up and say.." I told ya so,na nanan na naaaa na"!
Yah, that would have been fun. Sorry that i sprang your trap.
Nathan Natas
Which dinosaurs ate cheese?
I think there was Chestercheetosaurus and the formidable Fonduodont.