I'm not anti-religion per se, but only because I don't have the power to make it go away. You can't fight City Temple, as it were.
I see religion as a parasite on mankind. It sucks away time, money, and free thought from every human it touches. It divides people, gives them reasons to hate each other. It teaches them that there are things they can't see, touch, or in any other way prove to themselves that nonetheless can do them good or ill. This sort of fantasy thinking isn't conducive to making good decisions in the real world.
The only benefits from religion that I can imagine are also obtainable in other ways. For those that say that some people simply wouldn't behave outside of the fence of a religion, I have to ask if that would still be true if there just never was religion? Or is it only true today because they have one now?
Of course, dreaming of a world without religion is "fantasy thinking" too, ain't it? :-(