Synopsis: Boring rehash of the OD chapter on meetings. Elders should set the example in not missing meetings. Their good example encourages others to attend regularly
Sir’s analysis: Elders taken to the woodshed for missing meetings for “frivolous” reasons (see quotes below).
Egregious Quotes: “How would the brothers be affected if elders were irregular at the meetings? It would damage their spirituality, tear it down.”
Synopsis: Satan knows the end is very close. He is increasing his activity, so the meetings are vital. Elders * families need encouragement from the meetings too. Elders should pay attention at meetings, not scurry around handling congregation matters. Associate before and after meetings. Counsel those who miss many meetings.
Sir's analysis: Meeting attendance seems to be a huge concern for the Society. They seem to be at least somewhat aware of the excuses / objections some give for not ttending regularly. They want the elders to hound the brothers into attending more often. Elders are encouraged to telelphone any & all who miss a Book Study.
Egregious quotes: After reading Zeph 1:14 (the day of Jehovah, and a 'might man letting out a cry'): "Brothers do we believe that Jehocvah's day is really close? What does the expression 'a mighty man letting out a cry' mean? It refers to someone who was formerly strong in the truth, but who has succumbed to the spirt of the world."
"Our missing meetings gives Satan a chance to weaken our faith"
"Some say about the meetings, 'I've heard it all before.' Well, guess what brothers: I've eaten potatoes before, and I'm going to eat them again. We must be fed spiritually at the meetings to survive."
"We need to make the effort to take in spiritual food. We could be too lazy or too tired or too busy to attend meetings or do personal study"
"Some people read newspapers every day - such a person could poison himslef spiritually. We need to make time for spiritual feeding"
In an interview with an elderly, er, elder, at least in his 70's, baptized nearly 50 years, Brother Bethel-CCOT asked about his study habits, and study habits with his wife. Brother Meek humbly laid out his study routine, and mentioned that he always studied the Watchtower with his wife every week. From this point on, though, Brother Bethel-COOT seemed to stray from the pacticed script. "Let me ask you brother, do you study with your wife for the other meetings?" Brother Meek answers with a sheepish "No." "Well, then, it seems like you have something to work on, doesn't it?" There was nervous laughter from teh audience, and Brother Meek was still similing, but I felt bad that he was ambushed like that.
'Young people are in special need of the meetings. They are Satan's special target, and can become involved in wrong thinking and activities"
Talk # 18: ELDERS WHO WORK TOGETHER AS A BODY - Brother local Elder
Synopsis: We are unified by the truth, and whould work on resolving differences the theocratic way. Elders should especially work on being united. The Service Committe (PO, secretary,service overseer) should show respect for the rest of the elders. Working together is critical, disunity will impede the flow of holy spirit to the congregation.
Sir's Analysis: There must be a lot of disunited elder bodies out there. Reference was made to individual elders who want to be "head" of the body, and cases of friction between teh service committe and the rest of the elders, as if the service committe were separate and superior. A demonstration showed how to handle the case where there is angry dissension on who to nominate as a new elder.
Egregious quotes: "When the body of elders cooperates, they are cooperating with Jehovah"
"Communication is vital - the service committe is NOT a aeparate body of elders
"Satan's strategy is to divide and conquer - we cannot allow place for teh Devil - we must recognize Jesus Christ as teh head of the congregation"
Synopsis: When there is friction between 2 brothers, the elders should step in. Review of how Matthew 18:15-17 should be followed. Review of who should be “marked”, and how. How to correctly handle cases of serious wrongdoing. Review of announcements to made for disfellowshipping, disassociation, reinstatement. NEVER announce from the platform that restrictions have been imposed.
Sir's Analysis: Elders need reminders on how to do things the "theocratic" way. Apparently some elders are jumping into slander or fraud cases too early. The brothers with the dispute MUST follow the first 2 steps of Matthew 18 before the elders will get involved (even had a demonstration showing this). They also seemed extremely concerned that the elders make the new DF and DA announcements EXACTLY as written, no deviations (see quotes below).
Egregious quotes: Who can be "marked" in the congregation: "Ones who are grossly lazy or critical; ones who are profitless talkers or meddlers; one who is scheming to take material advantage of another; one is in indulging in improper entertainment."
Regarding someone dating an unbeliever: "If her situation might influence others, and she has ignored counsel, then a marking talk could be given. But if she breaks off the relationship after receiving counsel, there is no need for a marking talk."
"In all cases of child abuse allegations, ALWAYS call the Legal Department, whether or not the accused denies the allegations."
"We need to react promptly - some judicial cases have been left unhandled because the elders procrastinated."
After reviewing the announcement of what to say when someone is publically reproved: "OF COURSE there are restrictions - but we don't announce that from the platform."
An example given: "A pioneer sister was leading a double life. She had a relationship with a worldly man, ws engaging in fornication with him over the course of a year. She was discovered and disfellowshipped. But she was reinstated after only 3 months. Thinfs like that could give the congregation the idea that 'I can do what I like, serve my time, and be reinstated quickly'."
"No announcement of restrictions should be made when the announcement of reinstatement is made."
"Nothing should be aded to or taken away from these (DF, DA, etc.) announcements."
I found this next one very interesting (not quite word for word, but the idea is as follows):
"When facing a court hearing: Do not involve yourself an court cases involving divorce, child custody, or child abuse without contacting the Service Desk first. Some elders have testified in favor of persons accused of child abuse when they had no way of knowing whether he was innocent or guilty."
(Wait a minute - I thought the determination of "innocent or guilty" was "2 witnesses or not 2 witnesses"??? No 2 witnesses = innocent, right? And why call the Servcie Desk, rather than the Legal Desk?)