Self Abuse

by startingover 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • startingover

    Something occurred to me while I was reading the promiscuous sex thread.

    The WT always refers to masturbation as self abuse. I googled it and came up with many sites that linked it to cutting oneself, but only a couple that linked those words to masturbation, one being a site about SDA prophetess Ellen White, and the other some religious site.

    Of course if you type in self pleasure then you get the masturbation links. But isn't that really what it is, self pleasure? Take away the religion and the guilt inducing word goes away.

  • Gretchen956

    Abuse suggests harmful, which is what they want you to think it is. They can't very well call it self pleasure because that would "encourage" it. Actually it has been proven medically that it is very good for you. However the WTS has never been one to be confused by a few facts or scientific or medical data.


  • daystar

    And of course there is lineage to tie the history of the Society back to Ellen White.

  • IP_SEC

    I think like a lot of buzz words and phrases the wts uses that self abuse is anachronistic.

  • mrsjones5
  • stillajwexelder

    EXACTLY - Self Induced Pleasure - or Self- Pleasuring

  • FlyingHighNow

    You watch TV and movies you like because it's fun and entertaining. You choose delicious food because it's taste is pleasurable to you. You have a massage because it helps you ease tension and it feels good. It's not like a person can give themselves an STD or get themselves pregnant from masturbation. People do it because it feels good. It relieves stress and tension. It's a inexpensive way to take a mini-fantasy-vacation-getaway. Or so I've heard. Not that I would know.

  • Finally-Free

    Self pleasuring is a more appropriate term.

    I hate to think I might find my ass in court one day because I've filed a lawsuit against myself for over 40 years of self abuse.

    I wonder if my insurance policy would cover it. It may be worth a try...


  • pratt1

    This tread made me laugh, because my unbelieving dad questioned my on self abuse once when he saw me with the Awake article that had that title.

    He had no idea that the dubs called j#%king off self abuse.

    Wasn't there a Surgeon General who endorsed mastubation that was severely reprimanded? I believe her name was Jocelyn Elders.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Well, it keeps the prostate healthy in a man who is not having actual sex. And it keeps a woman's sexual organs younger and healthier when she goes through the change, if she is not having actual sex.

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