Self Abuse

by startingover 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • tetrapod.sapien

    i was always a hard core masturbator during my entire time as a JW. perhaps i am weird (or just half colombian, :-P lol). i did it regardless of the whole young people ask/self abuse stuff. i figured jehovah understood although i did ask for forgiveness about once a month.

    i started masturbating when i was 8 years old. well, actually, earlier, but that's when i had my first orgasm. this is right around the time that my family started going to meetings for real. and i think that i have masturbated a lot in my life. from 8-13 years old, i did it about once a week. from 13-15, i did it about once a day. and from 16-19 i did it like probably on average twice a day, but at times more. and then from 20-25 about once a day again.

    so some quick calculations indicate that during my stint as a JW, i had about 5500 self induced orgasms. i was also a pioneer and a holy spirit appointed MS during this time. these orgasms do not include oral or regular sex. also, i was not into porn that much at all. the large large majority were based on my imagination, which is quite vivid and overpowering.

    so what can i say? i'm a sex freak. but no lighting bolts from above yet. LOL.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    good grief

    Can you imagine the WTS suggesting people give a bit of pleasure to themselves on a Saturday morning instead of going door to door and freezing their gonads off

  • misspeaches
    Can you imagine the WTS suggesting people give a bit of pleasure to themselves on a Saturday morning instead of going door to door and freezing their gonads off

    Excuse me while I clean up all the diet coke i just spat out after reading this! Its funny but the fact that Lady Lee said it makes it even funnier!!!

  • startingover

    Referring to Sir82's thread about the elder school and Bro. Meek being put on the spot by the COOT. It was suggested he be put on the spot back. I would love to see his face if the Meekster asked him "Bro. COOT, now remember Jehovah is listening, have you ever masturbated?"

    In fact, maybe that's a good question to ask an elder putting you on the spot about your WT beliefs. Probably just tick him off but the expression on his face would be priceless.

  • startingover

    Hey Tetra,

    After all that stroking, are you pointing to the left or to the right? Presuming of course you are not ambidextrous.

  • bull01lay

    I'm in trouble over this one with my wife... she doesn't believe me that you can get crabs from a wank !!!

    C'mon guys, back me up please !


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    Excuse me while I clean up all the diet coke i just spat out after reading this! Its funny but the fact that Lady Lee said it makes it even funnier!!!

    oops sorry misspeaches.

    Now I'm glad I put my glass down before I read your post or else I would be soaking up my drink too - best laugh I've had in a while

  • tetrapod.sapien

    wow. no one wants to challenge my 5500 in my 17-years-as-a-jw record. lol ;)

    starting over,

    to the right. ... that would by my right, LOL. ;)


  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    Masterbation....the WTBS figures if you are doing everything else as you should be as a young person....this one will trip you up, and will allow them to use their guilt triggers. Bastards.

    In fact....I think I'm going to go masturbate right now thinking about "splooging" on the Governing Body. (Note to self....don't mentally picture said GB)


    TS---I don't know what to say! Have you tried getting yourself into the Guiness Book of World Records???? I definitely think you have a good shot at it!


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