I've been grappling with going to my very good friend's brother's funeral in a nearby Hall where everyone knows me. If I go to the service it is only to show respect to my friend and the relatives (some are JWs, some not). My friend said that if I didn't go, he would understand but I'm torn. Any suggestions???
My Friend's JW Brother Died-------- To Go To KH Funeral Or Not???
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
Dress up the best you can
get some fancy rings, and things, even if you have to rent them, ... walk in with you head held high
and pay respect to your friend
GOOD friends are hared to find........When you do, do what you have to ... to keep em.
Do Not Show any FEAR
You are standing firm.....on an adult decision, ...for you
Oh DO go!!! Show them you are a man of honor- You regard your friend with LOVE .....Lets know how it went...Please GO!!!
#1, Sorry for your loss.
#2. Can you think of some other ways to show honor and respect besides going into a Kingdom Hall? If not, then I guess you go to the Kingdom Hall. -
Go for the sake of your friend. You wouldnt want to regret not going later on.
The worst part will be having to listen to the sanctimonious clap trap they give in the talk. Anyway its great fun seeing how everyone has aged since you left. Im not sure I could resist.
Minimus, I think you should go and give your respects to your friend who's brother died. Sounds to me like you want to go. My daughter-in-law passed away last week from cancer. She and my son are both JWs. They are having a talk (service) for her this Saturday. I am sorry I cannot go as it is in a KH 2000 miles away. My Husband and daughter are flying out there as I write. I have to stay home with my diabetic and blind dog as he needs 2 insulins injections a day and I know of no one who can take care of him. Otherwise I would be there. She was a good person with a heart of gold.
There's one other thing though. There are certain people -----including my JW family, that will be there and I hear a couple of elders that may want to corner me. The person that died, I was not very close to but his brother, I was......Please elaborate Gary on your comments.
I would go. It's to show respect for the deceased and support of the family. And if the elders try to corner you, just tell them that you're not interested and that a funeral is hardly the place to be trying to preach to you about your many sins. Last time I checked, this is a free country and you do not have to meet with them if you don't want to.
min, why not go out to eat at a quiet place with your friend. Do you have pictures of him and his brother? Why not blow up one and put a nice frame on it and give it to him. Did you all share some funny moments; make a little book of rembrances with those stories and snapshots?
Does it have to be a public place with other people? Also, after the service is over and the weeks go by, send a card "thinking of you" etc. Find out if he needs any practical help clearing up the estate.