1. How did your mixed marriage happen?
a) Committed to each other knowing the other had different beliefs.
b) Your partner became a JW afterwards.
c) You left the JW's afterwards. We came in together after married and then I left it after 20+ years.
d) Other - explain!
2. Did the two of you talk about your different beliefs and how you were raised before you committed to the other? We had both been spiritully minded before marriage and had been friends for years. He studied with the JWs shortly before our marriage but never mentioned them to me. He wanted to study with them again but I felt very reserved about it. I should have stayed that way!
3. How many times a month or week (whatever is easier to describe) does spiritual subjects come up in your home? Oh gawd...it was very heated when I faded in 1999. I didn't have his level of JW 'understanding' and could not even come close to convincing him about the lies of the JWs with what I found through research. The discussions slowed down for a while but seem to have picked up again; probably since I started coming here and feel more verbal again. Just a week or so ago he said maybe it was best if we never discussed religion with each other again because it has become a very sore subject.
4. How do you relate/interact with other witnesses or congregation members? My exposure is very limited. I faded in a different area so no one really knows me here. There have been several people drop by to 'encourage' me (including a DO) but I told my husband that I would prefer that they didn't. I told him it wasn't very fair to them that I am an open apostate and they don't seem to be aware of that. I'm sure they would be apalled to know they even spoke with me.
5. Do you talk to non-JW family about your JW spouse? My friends at work are aware of my challenges and are very supportive. My children are also very understanding and supportive of my situation. Two of them are faders and the rest were never baptized.
6. Are you an "opposing mate"? Well.....I told my husband that I hate the JW religion with as much passion as I've ever had about anything in my life and that they ruin families and relationships. I have not tried to hide my feelings about the WBTS and proudly boast my apostate status. So....I guess so.
7. If you are a Christian, what are the most contentious subjects with your JW spouse? I absolutely hate the arrogance and judmentalness of the JWs in general.
8. If you are an Agnostic/Athiest, what are the most contentious subjects with your JW spouse? I really don't know what I am or what I believe anymore but almost any JW subject becomes very heated and I am very bitter towards the beliefs.
9. When/how/what made you realize your marriage/family was threatened by your spouse's JW affiliation? My husband stated (to my children) very shortly after I stopped attending meetings that he would divorce me if he ever thought I was actively opposed. I've brought that statement up several times, saying I don't know how I could be any more opposed than I am. I think in his mind he justifies his tolerance of me because he never hears me speaking to anyone else abusively about the JWs and I have never picketed an assembly. In the past, our family's relationship was very threatened when our oldest daughter was disfellowshipped and we had to shun her. When a witch hunt began for our son who had faded, I threw in the towel and said I would never again do something so unloving to my family.
10. My favorite question, anything else to add? Did I mention I hate the WBTS? This is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. As I have stated before, I love my husband but he now tells me he loves me too but stays with me because it is the right thing to do because people in general have no moral comittment to marriage and as a Christian, he has that moral obligation. Nice, huh? Personally, I think he stays for the sex because there are no grounds for a divorce and he couldn't live without it.