Hello dearest Mr. M.... and may you have peace!
My 'belief' in my Father, JAH OF ARMIES, whom many know as 'God', 'Yahweh', 'Jehovah', 'Lord'... and even His Son, 'Jesus'... is based on my faith. My faith is not blind, as it IS the 'assured expection of things hoped for... the EVIDENT DEMONSTRATION OF REALITIES... though not 'beheld'. What I mean by that is that I KNOW my Father, and am KNOWN by my Father... not because I have come to know Him with my physical senses (physical sight, tough, taste, sound and smell)... but with my SPIRIT... and its 'senses'.
My 'evident demonstration' is that I have seen Him (all but His face)... as I have seen my Lord, His Son, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH (and yes, I have seen the face of that One, and it is as described, so most are gonna be in a for quite a shock). I was taken before the Most Holy One of Israel, by my Lord... who 'opened the way' for me.
I have related it to some here... and elsewhere.
My faith... or as some would say, 'belief'... is not 'blind'. It is very real and based on very real evidence.
With regards to the Bible, I have no 'belief' or 'faith' in it, other than it is a book that CONTAINS 'scripture' and other writings, and in particular the Law... and is a 'tutor leading to Christ'. I only rely on what is written in the Bible to the extent my Lord directs me to share it with others. Personally, I simply listen to HIM and what HE says is 'truth'; however, some have yet to 'see' him or come to 'know' him and thus still NEED the Law written on 'stone tablets'... and with delible ink.
It is my sincere hope, however, that ALL will come to have ears to hear... and finally get the SENSE of my Lord's words, as recorded at John 5:39, 40:
"You are searching the scriptures because you THINK
that by means of THEM you will have everlasting life.
And these are the very ones that bear witness about ME;
and yet, you do not want to come to ME... that you may
have life."
Indeed, my Lord was recorded to have said:
"Come to ME... all you who are toiling and loaded
down, and I will refresh you."
I took his advice in BOTH cases... and the rest, is, as they say, 'history'.
I bid you peace, and I am...
Your servant and a slave of Christ,