Ripping Apart The Faithful & Discreet Slave Doctrine Slashes A Foundation

by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • hubert

    Fairmind, What I like about the book "Captives of a Concept", is that anyone can understand what this book discusses, even people like me, who have never been a j.w., and who is not proficient in Bible verses. It is so well explained, especially for people that don't have the knowledge of what goes on in the Watchtower Society, unlike ex-j.w.'s that have been through it all.


  • minimus

    "The truth only sets those free that want to be free".......Very true! Unfortunately, it is very very difficult to escape the indoctrination of the Watchtower......And yes, I wonder whether or not the Governing Body does actually think that they do have a god given mandate to "feed" the fleeced sheep.

  • M.J.

    I hope TD doesn't mind if I quote one of his posts on this. It's a classic, IMO:

    Yes, from 1914 to 1919 Jesus was conducting an inspection of all religions. --Only the Bible Students didn't know he was conducting this inspection because they thought he had returned 40 years ago, in 1874. They didn't realize Christ had returned in 1914 until about 1933.

    Jesus found that the Bible Students were the only ones teaching "the truth" so he rewarded them as the faithful portion of the composite slave by appointing them over all his belongings. --Only the Bible Students didn't know this because they thought that the office of faithful and discreet slave had already been fulfilled by C.T. Russell and that he was now directing the work from beyond the grave. They didn't realize that the "faithful slave" was actually a composite group until 1927 or so.

    So now that they were appointed over all the master's belongings, (without knowing it) this faithful slave could begin preaching the "good news of the established kingdom." --Only the Bible Students didn't know that the kingdom had been established in heaven in 1914 until 1925. Prior to that, the idea that the kingdom even needed to be "established" was an alien concept.

    Anyhow, with the establishment of the kingdom in heaven, Christ had received kingly power, having been installed as king of the kingdom. --Only the Bible Students didn't know that this had happened in 1914, they thought Christ began to exercise kingly power in 1878. This also didn't change until 1925.

    So the king that they didn't know was crowned began to set up the kingdom that they didn't know was established by resurrecting the sleeping saints. --Only the Bible Students didn't know this took place in 1919. They thought it had happened in 1878. This wasn't moved forward to 1919 until 1922 or so.

    Clear as mud? All of this gets so tangled and convoluted that even Watchtower writers lose track of things. I remember one particularly humorous Watchtower that claimed that the crowning of Earth's new king had made the nations wrathful and that this was why WWI had started. --Looks like those wicked nations were really on the ball. They knew about it years and years before the so-called "faithful and discreet slave."

  • AuldSoul


    I'd love to see how DLJ would respond to a dose of 1 John 2:26-29 in response to Ephesians 4.

    Why would there need to be a Governing Body if the anointing does the teaching? More to the point, why would they say the anointing does not provide any special insights when John directly states that it does exactly that?


  • marsh

    I have alittle booklet by Harold J.Berry Seventh Day Adventists ........what they believe

    I'll try to put a link on (hopeless) it's

    Page 10-11 talks about Investigative Judgment.

    The FDS .A faithful slave of God does not make false prophecies,change doctrines.or control the thinking of it's people.

    Mathew 16:16-17.Simon Peter answered and said."You are The Christ the Son of the Living God"

    Jesus answered and said to him,"Blessed are you,Simon Bar Jonah.for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you,but my Father who is in heaven.

    John 15:26."But when the helper comes ,whom I shall send to you from the Father,the Spirit of Truth who proceeds from the Father.He will testify of me"

    Galatians 1:15-18.Pauls call to Apostleship

    1 John 2:26-27 These things I have written to you concerning those who try to deceive you.27.But the annointing which you have received from Him abides in you,and you do not need that anyone teach you;but as the same annointing teaches you concerning all things ,and is true,and is not alie ,and just as it has taught you,you will abide in Him.

    1 John 5:20 And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding,that we may know Him who is true,in His Son Jesus Christ.This is the True God and eternal life .

    Christians are persecuted on account of Jesus name.We preach Christ Crucified,The Gospel is Good News of our redemption by the blood of Christ by faith.

    The WT are neither faithful or discreet,and all the works in the world=nothing.It is by Grace we are saved.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    There's a ton of well-written material debunking the FDS myth; two particularly good ones that come to mind were done by Ron Frye and Alan F.

  • tijkmo
    Actually, they blame Jehovah and tell us He could not give his imperfect creatures ALL the correct information at the same time because we would be overwhelmed by it all.

    I had this conversation with my ma recently....i said that when the gb was saying that organ transplants were canniballism how could it possibly be overwhelming to those that needed transplants at that time...and at what point did it stop being so

    technically in this day and age i think we use our thinking abilities less and less in favour of being entertained by tv, video, internet surely the optimum point for revealing new light to an audience who wouldnt be overwhelmed by it has past

    (if you dont understand that last comment...then you prove my point...and if you do then you must agree....see what i did there)

  • M.J.

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