WOW! What a thread. May you ALL have peace!
nytelecom... my Lord has directed me to SHOW you the contradiction in your belief. To wit:
*** it-2 880 Scripture ***
Essential for Christians. Since Jesus Christ constantly appealed to the Hebrew Scriptures to support his teaching, it is important for his followers not to deviate from them.
Specifically, I am directed to direct YOU to his words throughout Matthew that... "you HEARD it was said, but I say to YOU..." and the POINT of those words, which was that HE... had FULFILLED... the Law... and was now establishing... a NEW 'law'. You have been misled in that like your associates, you COMPLETELY misunderstand and fail to get the SENSE of what was previously quoted to you... about adherence TO the Law. Why? Because 'certain men'... false shepherds, have, by THEIR words, imposed THEIR law on you... and you are 'loving it', as my Lord is recorded to have said:
"But it is that the word written in THEIR Law...
might be fulfilled."
John 15:25
The apostle Paul emphasizes their value and essential nature when he says: “All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.”—2Ti 3:16, 17
Notice the words 'disciplining IN RIGHTEOUSNESS'. If such discipline itself transGRESSES the Law... how is such, then, 'in righteousness'? From the time that my Lord became KING... discipline from my Father and my Lord has to do with the SPIRIT... and NOT the flesh. Thus, it does not EXPEL... rather, it 'refines'. In this manner, then, my brothers were encouraged that AFTER receiving discipline, they were to GET ON WITH IT (their 'commission'). And NOTICE who such 'discipline' was FROM: most CERTAINLY not 'elders', 'priests', 'popes', 'pastors', 'bishops', 'circuit overseers', 'GB members', 'apostles', etc.):
"... for whom JAH loves... HE disciplines;
in fact, HE scourges everyone whom HE receives
as a son...
"... HE does so, for OUR profit that we may
partake of HIS holiness.
"Hence STRAIGHTEN up the hands that hang down
and the enfeebled knees and keep making straight
paths... FOR YOURSELVES...that what is lame
may not be put out of joint... but RATHER...
Hebrews 12:7-12
That is the VERY reason why Paul(?) SAID:
"Not that WE... are masters over YOUR... faith."
In addition, dear nytelecom, the word of my Lord to YOU is that Paul... was an apostles to the NATIONS... and at WHAT time were the 'nations' EVER under the Law Covenant? Was that not the very purpose of the dispute over circumcision, that certain men were trying to PUT people of the nations UNDER LAW? The Law was given to ISRAEL... and those that went with THEM... and was between my Father... and THOSE WHO ENTERED INTO SUCH COVENANT... AT SINAI.
When Israel REJECTED my Lord, the 'Way' was then opened UP to the nations... withOUT the Law Covenant... based on HIS sacrifice. For when my Lord died... in the flesh... he FULFILLED such covenant, so that it could be moved out of the WAY... to make way for a NEW Covenant... one open to ALL mankind, and NOT just Abraham's 'seed' and those that went with them. How then, can you, me or anyone else endeavor to put someone ELSE... under a Law that has been 'done away with'... by means of Christ?
*** w99 9/15 21 What Does Jehovah Ask of Us Today? ***
JEHOVAH gave the nation of Israel the Law, with its many features.
Exactly. ISRAEL.
Regarding them, the apostle Paul wrote: “They were legal requirements pertaining to the flesh and were imposed until the appointed time to set things straight.” (Hebrews 9:10)
Notice the words "until the appointed time to set things straight"...
When the Law led a remnant of Israelites to accept Jesus as the Messiah, or Christ, it had fulfilled its purpose.
Notice the word, "fulfilled"...
Thus, Paul declared: “Christ is the end of the Law.”—Romans 10:4; Galatians 3:19-25; 4:4, 5.
Notice the words "end of the Law." Indeed, the LAW Covenant... said 'no': no to forgiveness, no to mercy, no to releasing... no to love... no to life... but 'yes'... to death. In contrast, by means of the NEW Covenant... indeed BY MEANS OF CHRIST... ALL these things... mercy, love, forgiveness, releasing... and life... became YES. The only 'no'... was to sin... and death.
Thus, the word of my Lord to YOU, nytelecom... is 'hear'... and GET THE SENSE of what "Paul" said. "Christ... is the END of the Law," and that what you are doing, nytelecom, you and your associates, is 'worshiping the FIRST wild-beast... THE LAW COVENANT (Judaism), whose death stroke got healed.'
Jeremiah 15:18; 30:12
The Law Covenant was 'done away with', dear nytelecom... and the WTBTS... the beast that has two horns LIKE a lamb (the WT and AWAKE with it false christ rhetoric)... but speaks AS a dragon (it lies, lies, lies... and misleads, misleads, misleads...) has compelled YOU and others to once again... worship IT.
Hear, dear, nytelecom... and GET THE SENSE OF IT. May you also have 'ears' to hear that "To the making of many books there is NO end... and MUCH devotion to THEM... is wearisome to the flesh."
You want to know what is God's 'will'? Then LISTEN to the One He sent to 'speak to [us] from the heavens'... the One He TOLD us to listen to...
Matthew 17:3
Hebrews 12:25
... when THAT One says:
"You are searching the SCRIPTURES...
because you THINK that by means of THEM...
you will have everlasting life. And these
(the scriptures) are the VERY ones that
bear witness about ME. And yet...
John 5:39, 40
and STOP putting 'your TRUST... in earthling man... to whom NO salvation belongs!'
Dear nytelecom... may you hear what the Spirit says ... and get the SENSE of it.
I bid you peace,
A TRUE servant to the Household of God, Israel, and a TRUE slave of Christ, by means of a TRUE anointing with the spirit of my Father... HOLY SPIRIT...
SJ, who humbly begs your pardon and asks you, as I beg and ask ALL to forgive... and overlook... my 'zeal'.