brooke you are all heart honey. and there is small consolation knowing that we are more human than they are. I'm more upset at my sister as she was the one who asked my dad not to tell me. I hope they tell her that i know and that she feels bad. we were so close once. sigh.
Huge shock!
by Crumpet 158 Replies latest jw friends
Oh no!
I just spotted that you said you PROBABLY wouldn't go through with any of them
don't worry i won't let my evil streak get the better of me or enigma's evil streak either! all very funny comments. The thing is in such circumstances i usually get really vengeful and fantasise evil revenge - though i never ever carry any of them out i hasten to add - but in this instance i dont have it in my heart to seek revenge at all. Does this make me like god who didnt have it in his heart to burn babies in the valley of hinnom per chance? or does it make me less like god who seeks rfevenge and is jealous?
How awful! So you have no contact with your sister whatsoever? Has she shunned you to? That must be hard-sisters are like best friends. I feel for you.
stillawitness- every single member of my family has shunned me - both pioneering sisters included.
But on a brighter note people - i became a empress yesterday with my 2000th post and i didnt even notice so anyone want to waste a topic congratulating me on my new found um empressy/empirical stature to cheer me up feel free. - here was the post that clinched it!
I understand and I am glad you don't feel the need to take action with anger. Loved some of the ideas which also can make you laugh at bit. When you said "Am I more like god or less like him?" made me think. Maybe God is more human than we thought? If there is a God.
Brooke - you made me think when you said that maybe god is more human. the way I look at it is that we are on the whole more decent, more malleable, less demanding, with a greater capacity for love and understanding and less of a need to be worshipped than God. If he does exist he should be proud of the best majority of us, not grouching about how he got misrepresented or whatever and he should as any real parent is be in awe of his creation, for yes it is good and has exceeded what he possibly could have expected.
tetrapod you look damned huggable right now!
That's how I think of God. And I'm sure he's proud of the majority of us.
My kids are 5 and 8 and they drive me round the bend but I'm dead proud of them