Dacheech...........I discussed this issue with friends that had lived at Bethel for over 25 years...........their answer to me was that while a brother or sister is in the process of putting on the new personality of a Christian, there is still the imperfect, wicked flesh to deal with. They said that at Bethel, they are encouraged NOT to allow any temptation to the brothers or sisters.........example: if you have money, don't just throw it on the top of your dresser, put it away, safely out of sight, so there will be no visual temptation.
But how many examples of trustworthyness are stated from the podium?
"so, and so sister was cleaning the house of this great dignitary, one day he left $250.00 on his dresser on purpose, the cleaning sister never even thought about taking it..........so the dignitary gave her a bonus, and every ......."