Serendipidity that's a good point, but alternatively it may be that they know the Holy Spirit will lead them away from the FDS so they tell them not to bother with the Holy Spirit because supposedly it won't come to them (since they are not annointed).
As Kate implies you will never experience the liberating mystery of the HS for as long as you are with the JWs.
Do you feel that Jehovah drew you away from Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Scatteredsheep 39 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Greendawn, you said: As Kate implies you will never experience the liberating mystery of the HS for as long as you are with the JWs.I don't think we should constrain the Holy Spirit. That's what the WTS does, in error, IMO.
Mentally I left the Org. a long time ago , however I attended meetings b/c I felt I had no other place to go. I did stop service b/c I did not want to be responsible for bringing anyone else into this hateful org. I felt trapped myself, but i vowed I would not help them hurt another person. I have never ceased to pray to God and have felt His hand in my life. It has been the Net with the access to information and learning about others experiences that has helped free me. The wts used to be able to control my access to information. They are unable to now.Access to information is the key to the wts control. All the wts can do now is demonize the Net.
scattered sheep, does jehovah draw people away? not sure, pehaps He does if that person is mentally ready to leave. I know I had to be "run off" almost. I clung to the org b/c I knew nothing else. When I was hurt enough, I began to look to other paths. However you got out, I am so happy for you. If you feel God has spoken to you and is directing you, I think you should go with that direction.
I left because of logic, reasoning and research of my own. I don't feel that god had any part in that process and I don't even believe god exists.
Serendipity, perhaps you misread my post, you are right the HS should be encouraged not restrained.
The FDS fear it because it can open people's eyes to see who they really are. -
Frannie Banannie
Yes, absolutely! Welcome to the JWD forum, ScatteredSheep & Grammy!
I would have to say it was the actions, cruel words and deeds, of JWs that pushed me away, chased me away, permanently.
Blondie (slow learner, but once I get it, I got it)
Welcome Scatteredsheep & Grammy!
Ssh, when I consciously walked to the Judicial Committee which df'd me for apostasy, I had exactly your wording in mind: Jehovah was drawing me away from JWs.
This is no objective truth, rather subjective expression, however irreplaceable. That "my god" may not exist, as he suggested to me later, does not change anything to that.
Converso con el hombre que siempre va conmigo
-quien habla solo espera hablar a Dios un día-;
mi soliloquio es plática con este buen amigo
que me enseñó el secreto de la filantropía. Antonio Machado(I talk with the man who always goes with me
-- whoever speaks alone hopes to speak to God someday;
my soliloquy is conversation with this good friend
who taught me the secret of philanthropy.) -
Welcome Grammy and Scattered Sheep.
Shattered Sheep, interesting question. Yes, I feel that God (Jehovah @ that time) led me away from the borg. I started praying A LOT. But I would pray for what ever was meant to happen to simply happen. i prayed for what SHOULD happen to happen and for whatever s/he wanted to happen to happen.
Eventually I was taken into a lot of judicial meetings (highly inconvenient since it was finals week, last term of senior year in college) and they turned me loose w/out being disfellowshipped. I wanted to maintain a relationship w/ my Mom so I promised them i'd find a KH to attend in the city where I was moving. Of course I didn't.
G'day and Welcome Scatteredsheep & Grammy!
Do i believe that God (Jehovah) brought me out of the Dubs? You bet I do! If I am to believe that God is in control of all things, then I must see him leading me, dragging me, out of the dubs. Wasn't easy, but then nothing worthwhile is, eh?
I recall replying to this entreaty from my mother, "Why won't you come back to Jehovah?" with this response, "Mum, I haven't left Jehovah, He just isn't in the Kingdom Hall, He left long ago!"
Enjoy your time aboard JWD!
Cheers from downunder,