Maybe I'm tired the risk of seeming overly critical,there have been a number of posts on this forum where the spelling and punctuation have been abysmal.I have no problem with the occasional error but the subjects here tend to be somewhat more complicated and it makes it too much of an effort if I have to keep re-reading things to figure out what the missing word was or where the sentence ends.One academic said it was no big deal as even his professors were poor spellers!Well I've got news for you guys, if you don't sharpen up your grammer I'm not even going to try to give you the courtesy of figuring out what you're talking about.
Now,I'm going to have shower and go to bed and I want this thing sorted out by tomorrow.Love Pete.
Lern,to/spel;and "punctuate"!!!!!
by bigmouth 49 Replies latest watchtower bible
Couldn't agree more Bigmouth.
But, while you're at it, if you had broken your long first paragraph in your post into, say, three smaller paragraphs it too would have been much easier to read.
Some posts here have huge paragraphs. If I am distracted half way through a read it is very hard to find where I was up to.
abysmal.I have
could you please add a space after each coma, and two after each period? thank you. love, tetrapod.
I have no problem with the occasional error but the subjects here tend to be somewhat more complicated and it makes it too much of an effort if I have to keep re-reading things to figure out what the missing word was or where the sentence ends.
this sentence could have used a couple of comas. thank you. love, tetrapod.
grammer I'm
so class, do we see what is missing here?
thank you,
love tetrapod.
tetra's beaten me to it but, honestly, that's pretty poor punctuation and layout. Ever heard of pragraphing?
BTW you've only been here a month. Settle down and settle in before getting critical would be much nicer....and wiser.
Cheers, Ozzie (permanently upside-down class)
*Some* people need to look up "irony" and "sarcasm" in the dictionary. :D
Ok well why don't you sharpen up your splelling
"if you don't sharpen up your grammer I'm not even going to try"
grammer?? -
Ozzie......What's "pragraphing" ?
Did you mean to say "bra grappling" ?
I could never figure out those clips.
I thought for a minute it was satire but satire would have been more like:
Maybe I'm tired the risk of seeming overly critical,there have been a number of posts on this forum where the spelling, and punctuation have been abysamal I have no problem with the occasional error; but the subjects here tend to be somewhat more complicated and it makes it too much of an effort if I have to keep re-reading things to figure out what the missing word was or where the sentence ends one academic said it was no big deal as even his professore's were poor spellerswell I've got news for you guys, if you don't sharpen up your grammer I'm, not even going to try to give you the courtesey of figuring out what you're talking about now,---I'm going to have shower, and, go to bed an I want this thing sortet out by tomorrow.Love Pete.
Okay, that's mean of me. Pete, relax. You're on the internet, not in a classroom. Love u74 -
Personally I notice spelling and grammar errors, but that's just because I read a lot, but I also know lots of really smart people who have interesting things to say who struggle with spelling etc. I wouldn't dream of criticising their posts because they spelled a word wrong or missed a comma! And I'd hate to think they hesitated to post or felt the need to proof read what they had written before they posted. one of my best friends in the whole world has dyslexia, and is so sensitive about his spelling, but writes such amazing emails etc, that I just smile and move on and never say a word, how cruel to pick someone up on something they cant help, and maybe miss some of the most interesting words.
Poppy R..........You are totally correct. Couldn't agree more.
But could you please put your posts into "pragraphs" (as Ozzie calls them) so I can read them more easily?
Like, each separate thought in a paragraph. Then I can take my eyes off the screen and ponder your thoughts. Otherwise, I am not game to leave the screen because I can't find where I left off.