Little Toe, Hey you! I truly tell you today, I did read it. And spotted straight away that you made the same mistake as everyone else and made time exist before the universe did.
If you are the only being in existance...
by ballistic 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I would go 'ballistic!'
Golf -
Actually I didn't - I placed it all occuring at the "big bang" - intrinsically 42!
No, no , no you didn't...Then God split into two identical copies
He would have to create time first, in order to have the concept of "doing something" in some particular order. Otherwise everything god does before time exists, all occurs simultaneously and infinately. *edited to add, and presumably it's still the same for god now outside of our universe.
I agree - but that doesn't mean that there isn't an order to non-events...
I agree - but that doesn't mean that there isn't an order to non-events...
Well, that comes back to my initial question, which is really based on the ultimate question, can a god exist at all how we imagine him when basic contructs such as "purpose" need a time frame in which to be meaningful. ?
Since we're waxing philosophical - the word "purpose", in this context, is an anthropomorphisation.
That doesn't mean that there can't be some kind of order or purpose to "is"-events, though, as expressed in the medium of "time" and substance.
Bear in mind that we can't help but view things from that particular lens.
I actually think that this is a very good question.
The question in itself already shows that if there is a God that he would not feel happy or sad (time related), have a goal or purpose in his life etc.
All these projections of ourselfs on God are very childish and uneducated.
Like JW's saying that if you make more then 10 hours in this month you make Jehovah's heart happy. Can only laught at that. -
It seems that life has only one aim, it wants to live, to be, to say I AM. To inhabit a billion different forms. To experience everything it is possible to experience and then more. There does not have to be a preconceived goal. Life lives in the moment. It simply is.
It wants to be joyful. To sing, to dance, to celebrate, to demonstrate its existence. Our bodies are one vehicle for life to express itself through. Every glass of wine I enjoy is an act of devotion and service to the source of life or God - if it pleases you to have a label.
In keeping with this philosophy - may I wish you all a happy present moment
Life - shards of God-existance - works for me