Hi again Frannie, FWIW I used to supervise hospital registration ppl. If I was looking at this from a purely business perspective, my issue with your clerk would be that she used work time and the workplace to preach to someone. It is a productivity issue and also a customer service issue. If it was my employee and she said only 1-2 preachy sentences, I'd counsel her and that would be the end. If it was longer than 1-2 sentences, I'd have a serious chat with her.
It's not the patient's fault. The employee is supposed to deal with patients appropriately. Especially since this chick works in the ER, by now she should be adept at handling ppl when they are not at their emotional best. It should be done in a professional manner, not using the workplace and work time to prey upon them. Religious or not, the employee should not use the opportunity to talk about highly controversial topics. They are there to work, not have personal conversations. When patients say stuff like you did the registrar should just nod and direct the conversation back to the registration task.