The Unkindest Cut: Hateful Words from JWs that Show Their True Colours

by Scully 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • jschwehm

    Hi Gang:

    I remember being at a Circuit Assembly when the District Overseer gave a talk with a demonstration about the end of the world coming. His helper had a pair of "special" binoculars that could see into the future. The D.O asked this brother to peer into the future for him using these "special" binoculars and to describe what he saw. The brother described churches being destroyed and clergymen being struck dead by lightening. The audience erupted in laughter and applause. I was probably 6 or 7 years old at the time.

    I can remember being told by my mother as a child of 8 that because I hated going to meetings that I would not live in the paradise and would never see her or the rest of my family again.

    I can also remember my brothers and I daydreaming together one day about how great it would be if our parents left the JWs and we could do normal things.

    By the way, there is a really good book entitled Twisted Scripture written by a very good friend of mine named Mary Alice Chrnalogar. She talks about how unhealthy and controlling groups behave towards their members and use scriptures largely out of context to manipulate and hurt people.

    The interesting thing is that she has given her book to JWs and many of them leave the JWs after reading the book not because of doctrinal issues but because they recognize that JWs are an unhealthy and manipulative religious group. The funny thing is that the book never really discusses JWs in detail.

    Jeff S.

  • Es

    OMG i wanted to use harsher language but thought better of it.

    Im shocked that anybody could say such a thing that is disgusting.

    So sorry Scully


  • blondie

    That is true not all JWs SAY these things. But many, many stand by when they hear these type of cruel words said and do not disagree, for example, the other elder that was visiting Runningman, Did he speak up and say that this other elder was wrong? No. By his silence he says he agrees.


  • Clam
    "If you are going to turn your back on The Truthâ„¢, you may as well take your three beautiful children out in the back yard and blow their heads off with a gun. That way they won't go down with you at Armageddon and will have a resurrection in the Paradise."


    It made me wonder about my JW sister and BIL. Recently my non JW father died and they attended the funeral like the rest of my family. Would their warped minds see my father's death as a blessing in disguise? In other words would they think he had a better chance of resurrection by dying pre-Tribulation?

  • blondie
    In other words would they think he had a better chance of resurrection by dying pre-Tribulation?

    Clam, you would be stunned how many JWs do think that even if they don't admit it. That was one of the blessings of the change in the WT sheep and goats doctrine. They used to teach that since 1914 people are living in a judgment period and if they died that they went to Gehenna, eternal destruction. Since 1997 the WTS teaches that the judging/separating does not start until shortly after the great tribulation when Jesus comes with the angels. People who died during the GT/Armageddon are said to die eternally, no hope of a resurrection.


  • Dune

    I'd never believe your stories this time last year, but i'm slowly starting to take it in.

    I noticed recently just how unloving the bro's and sisters can be. There's a sister in my congregation who had a book study at her house for over 30 years. She was recently put into a nursing home, and she's never visited by any elders. Its just really sad.

  • Scully
    Recently my non JW father died and they attended the funeral like the rest of my family. Would their warped minds see my father's death as a blessing in disguise? In other words would they think he had a better chance of resurrection by dying pre-Tribulation?


    When each of my own never JW grandparents and in-laws passed away, JW friends and family members said words to that effect... as though it was supposed to be comforting.

    I have even heard similar sentiments when a gravely ill JW child passed away - the family was basically told that they would never feel the pain of the child's "leaving Jehovah" or being DFd for committing fornication. As if it was automatically assumed that this child was better off dead because if they lived they probably would have Left The Truthâ„¢.

  • RichieRich

    From my own mother:

    Well, I don't see why I should support you in your education if you don't work for Jehovah. You'll be dead in a few years anyway. You're a bad investment.
    I just don't want you hurt, Richie. I've seen better people than you, way better, make bad mistakes.

    You can't give a half-ass effort to the Society. And Jehovah doesn't like it either.

  • Billygoat

    Scully, I am so sorry. But I am grateful too, because here you are. As am I.

    These stories are heartbreaking. If it hadn't happened to me, I probably wouldn't believe them.

    My most memorable experiece is of my father, the day he kicked me out of the house. I had just told him that I was going through counseling with a worldly psychologist for all the pain of losing my family and religion. That infuriated him that I was discussing dirty family laundry with someone that wasn't a JW! It was very heated and he punched a hole in my bedroom door. If I hadn't ducked it would have been my face! I told him that I planned on getting my own place and would be out of his hair soon. He screamed at me, "You will not survive out there without me. You are nothing. You are nothing without me. Do you hear me? You want to leave? Leave! Get your shit out of my house and out of my life within 48 hours."

    I will never forget those words. I wish I could. It was around noon on a Saturday when my dad said that to me. I called a worldly co-worker and he helped me move what little possesions I had in 24 hours. Before my parents came back from the Sunday meeting, I was gone, never to return.

  • Frannie Banannie

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