One of the many hurtful things I have heard was not said to my but between two elders about my father. My father is a hard core dub. and an elder and at the tims the cong. secrtary. They have had the book study in our house since before my parents were even babtized. (They say my parents house and wanted it.) In the early 90's my mother was dying of cancer. She had fought it for years but it was slowly taking it's toll. Anyway my father, being the faithful witness elder, really did not give my mother the support she needed. I was resently married and we lived with them to help take care of my mom. Anyway my dad would spend 20hr or more a week in service, attend all meetings, committee mtgs., etc. And people would streem in and out of the houst from dawn to dusk, and this would all take a toll on my mom. But dad did not slow down, his reasoning was "I have to be strong for the congragation". Finally mom died and while in the back of the KH after her memorial svc. the PO said to another elder "Finally, that's over, now ******* can serve Jehovah like he should". To which the other elder (Who ny dad conciders one of his best friends), replies "Yea, it sure took long enough" .
When I told my wife and father about this exchange they both said I must be making it up. My best friend was there and he confirmed it so my dad called the PO and asked him about it 9On speaker phone). At first he tried to deny it but my best friend, not a dub called him on it and so he did admit saying it but then tried to explein it away. I pointed out that he did not have a book study at his house, he did not put in the hours of service like my dad and he wasn't caring for a sick wife, and trying to entertain the cong. so why would he say that. He did not answer, but my dad then started to agree with him that I was only trying to cause trouble.
Go figure. At first I'm a lier and then when I'm proven right I'm a trouble maker for telling the truth.