Very sad and horrible. The worst thing is they actually believe this horse crap.
The Unkindest Cut: Hateful Words from JWs that Show Their True Colours
by Scully 58 Replies latest jw friends
It makes me realize how the lack of love in the WTS is not a surface problem of a few people, but is the core personality of the majority and the few that aren't are afraid to rock to boat (until they can't swallow it any more).
Jesus said the same thing.... while speaking to the Pharisees.
That statement clearly comes from a fanatical and semi ignorant person. The WTS several times came close to saying that they wish to see the apostates dead. But because they can't do it they try to treat them as if they are dead and await on their executioner god jehovah to finish them off. That is hateful and sick.
I agree with everything except the "semi" part...
Skully I'm with you. Just after having the twins by c-section, they were on me about not going out in field service. I was tired and wore out from taking care of those babies. You know what they told me to do? They said bring the babies out with you in field service.
They didn’t care what the temperature was. At the time, it was in the high heat of summer. I couldn’t believe it. I wondered if they had a clue what heat did to babies? I kept thinking that I was the weak one. Thank goodness my husband wasn’t having it. He said “no way”, and he meant it; and I, definitely, wasn’t going to argue with him about it.
(((Scully)))I will never forget the first email you sent to NOdenial when you guys got reconnected from a school website. You shared your JW horror story of unkindness, this one as well as MORE horrible things said and done to you that you endured.
I turned and said to NOdenial: GEEZ...what the heck is going on? He said: It's not just happening to us, it is a widespread problem among this religion.
WE had that infamous welcoming visit that culminated all the other unloving things that I put in the back of my mind in the last 25 years, because ya know, you have to LOVE the brothers to prove you LOVE Jehovah: YOU must put up with all the bull crap no matter what. That statement was this: We need to see your publisher cards cause you might be PEDOPHILES.
I still hear that sentence as if it was said to me today..........I am still wondering why I didn't throw them out of our house right after they said that comment to long JW's that have been faithful and kind to others? The shock of the stabbing words I guess paralyzed me.
Then during the same welcoming visit, NOdenial asked where in the Bible it says we must turn in time. They said, hang on we will show you. They thumbed thru the Bible like for 3 minutes, and said: WE can't find it now, but when we do, YOU are going to eat CROW....................They said that comment 2 more times before they left to my husband and totally ignored me for 2 hours and 45 minutes. AGAIN: I was paralyzed to hear such unloving things!
I can go on with some more examples but you might want to set some time aside for it. (not joking here)
I am sorry that all of you have experienced such cruelty by a religion that claims to be a united loving brotherhood.
I was 5 years old when the P.O. sat across from me at my mothers kitchen table and told me that I was "going to die at armageddon if you don't stop talking to your brother". My brother was 15 years older than me and was recently disfellowshipped. I was FIVE years old for God's sake. I wasn't baptized at that age.
I wonder how much he had to drink before he came over to my house that day. He was a known Alcholic (sp).
I'll say the same thing that I said on Ozzie's thread on the same topic:
Since when does a group claiming to have the Word of God threaten people?? Oh wait, that's one of the WTS's main functions, threatening its members and keeping them in line with fear tactics.
I can't wrap my brain around the fact that these people can treat us "unbelievers" or those who are "weak in the Truth" like dirt and still believe that they are doing God's work and are assured eternal life in Paradise. Can someone please point me to the Bible passage that says, "JWs, you guys are the real deal, treat everyone else like inferior beings who are going to Hell anyway and you'll be doing exactly what God wants you to. Double the points for being extra-mean and bring family members into it!!".
I can't believe that these people actually believe that they're right in doing this. I thought that the Bible says to "love your neighbours as yourself" and to "do onto others as you would like them to do onto you"?? The JWs constantly look down on everyone who's not a member of the WTS and they treat us "unbelievers" and "apostates" like dirt, even threaten them and their families with impending doom, but when someone says anything even remotely against their beliefs and their organization, and they're running around screaming bloody murder because they're being "persecuted". Who's persecuting who here??
The hypocrisy really blows my mind.
As for my run-ins with JWs, besides the snide remarks my JW boyfriend likes to make about my holidays, the worst thing I ever got from a JW was from a poster here at JWD. He called me, and I quote, a "tree-worshipping Protestant pagan". I think that was supposed to be offensive, but it was just water off a duck's back for me. It kinda shocked me that someone trying to defend his/her beliefs would behave like that and say something like that, but I've surmised that this kind of behaviour is just a defence mechanism for JWs. They're afraid that they might find out just how wrong they are in some respects and of course, that would just pull the rug right out from under their feet, they wouldn't be able to handle it, their whole way of life would crumble, so they build walls and hide behind rude, condescending comments to protect themselves.
-Becka :)
The unkindest thing that happened to me was at the death of my father. I had been df'd for
eight years. My father died in 1988, the C.O. conducted the funeral and he said little to
comfort the family but spent the whole time talking about the prodigal son directed at me.
Non J.W. friends of mine were so upset they wanted to punch him out. That was probably
the worst witness he ever gave. Non of my fathers family were dubs.
One JW was spreading rumours that my brother was lusting after our blood sister, she had told my best friend who immediately came and told me. Before telling me he asked me to promise not to say anything to this person. So I promised. As it dawned on me what he was saying I went ballistic. I asked my friend to release me from the promise but he wouldn't. If she was standing their infront of me at that moment I would have beaten her to a pulp. It could have ruined my whole family's reputation.
She came up with this story because my brother had apostasised purely because he realised that they were not God's people. If this had got to my sisters ears it would have really damaged her well being. Thankfully whoever heard kept it to themselves because it never reached my sister's ears. I think if I remember rightly my friend warned her to cut it out so there was damage.
I met this miserable sh*t-for-brains JW a few years after I had left the Org and was told by her that I was going to die at armageddon as was her apostate son. Her son by the way couldn't stand her. She really f*ck him up. The sad thing is that early on I thought that he was the crazy one but it was quite the opposite.
I apologise for my bad language. -
I was told by an elder who came for a shepherding call that I was lying when I said I didn't feel up to going to meetings.
At the time I was living with my parents and drawing SSI (a supplemental security income available for persons who suffer certain illnesses or have certain conditions in the US) and was pretty much bedridden. My mother had to help bathe me (kind of tough for a seventeen year-old to go through). It was a temporary thing, but it was miserable while it lasted.
When that caused a burst of tears and sobbing, the well-meaning brother with him tried to soften it a little by saying, "You know, the reason he's saying it is difficult to believe is you don't look ill. I mean, it isn't like you are drawing Social Security or anything." He at least had the decency to apologize when I shoed him my check (that had fortuitously come in the mail that day).
The first elder didn't budge. I asked him who he was to lord it over anyone. He left still saying he believed I was lying. I think that proved to me there was no true love in this organization, if shepherds treated ailing sheep that way.