congrats that was handled brilliantly.
by jwfacts 78 Replies latest jw experiences
congrats that was handled brilliantly.
Jehovah's Witnesses is just a pyramid multi level marketing business corporation.
Stripped of all it's pseudo-religious cover it absolutely is just another MLM scheme.
WoW JW! Can't believe you stood up to them like that! I was glued to the laptop for the past 20 minutes not wanting to miss a word that you just wrote. UNBELIEVABLE! I am so happy for you. Even if you will still get D'F you did not go down without a fight and God was smiling down like: "That's my boy!"
The details on your story are interesting to me. How they had 6 against one. How they get the CO's and strongest elders to deal with this particular case-its no coincidence that they knew you'd be a toughie.
Gosh! I am such a sap! I have tears in my eyes. It just it is so encouraging to me that someone would go to such lengths to fight for what they believe in.
Thank you jwfacts..YOU SIR, ARE MY HERO !
Jwfacts, friend I feel for you.
Sorry you had to endure the pressures and the anxiety which were heaped upon you recently. You did well in standing up for your convictions.
Did not Jesus say: “They will put you out of the synagogues. Yes, the time comes that whoever kills you will think that he offers service to God.” (WEB)
The fact that they would not consent to have the meeting recorded indicts them. If they had nothing to hide and really wanted to help you as Christian shepherds, they would welcome transparency. However, since they are unwilling to come out in the open but keep those meetings wrapped in secrecy they admit that they are guilty of cover up and unscriptural conduct.
One day the Supreme Judge will turn the spotlight on everything that was kept secret and expose their unchristian ways, they will be made accountable for their actions; then there will be no place to either hide or exert control over the innocent. Departing from the Scriptures and sitting in judgement is a very serious matter they need to think about. 1 Cor 4:6. Rev. 22:18, 19. Gal 1:8, 9.
Christian love to you and your family.
Jehovah's Witnesses is just a pyramid multi level marketing business corporation. Somebody else wanted your down line.
You always crack me
Very interesting read. LOVED the thought about all worldy people being like Nazi's - what a loving brother! Glad to see you're 'defending your faith', but you should have known better than to try and use the *gasp* Bible - where were your old bound volumes with the REAL spiritual information in them??
Hang in there. Do as much damage as you can. The more they get sued, the more harrassment they get, the more grief they get, maybe elders won't think it's worth it anymore....
JWFACTS! Fear no truth, they know you are honest and forthright. You gave them something to think about that will weigh on their minds for a long time to come. Together they had to hold to the party line, individually they will be mulling this meeting over again in their own mind.
The right to appeal an appeal is unknown and kept from all of those rank and file members who don't know any better and are not told about this right that is deliberately kept from them. You shut their mouths when you pulled out the Elders manual that showed them to be dishonest about appealing an appeal.
You have more with you then against you. Thank you for sharing this with us.
I am one who has a lot of good thoughts to those who stand against the watchtower. I believe it can hurt those who are in fear of them more than the one who stands and faces them head on. At one time I would cower to those bastards but today ? It's a whole new life and I fear noone except God. They no longer have the control or any power over me. You did a great job and I applaud you for your work.
I hope you are still keep up with the posts. We knew what the outcome of this was going to be. It is nice to be able to put their words back to them though
I like to see reaction. Could you please describe what happened when you pulled out your copy of the elder book.
said I will appeal the decision. He said I can not. I told him not to lie to me, I know I can and took out a copy of the elders book someone had kindly lent me and showed I am able to appeal directly to bethelIt had to be priceless.
What they had to do to prove it was mine was paste together a number of comments of mine from JWD, my site, Wikipedia and an internet registry site, I was impressed with the lengths they had gone to...
Could you please elaborate on this? The more we know about how they operate, the better.