I asked the question as to WHY he was not Disassociated instead of Disfellowshipped for this but nobody responded. Am I missing something? Do you know?
by jwfacts 78 Replies latest jw experiences
I asked the question as to WHY he was not Disassociated instead of Disfellowshipped for this but nobody responded. Am I missing something? Do you know?
Willyloman.I asked the question as to WHY he was not Disassociated instead of Disfellowshipped for this but nobody responded. Am I missing something? Do you know?
Hello! Anyone out there? Does anyone know the answer? JWfacts.....are you there? hello?
Perhaps you should PM him Gumby But he may just be away for awhile.
Gumby, it doesn't matter anymore. The only difference is on their little slip of paper. They make the same announcement no matter what happens. They have blurred the line between df'd and da'd, because they need to show legally that they are only an organization that follows certain rules, and if anybody does not want to follow those rules, they are no longer part of the organization. It takes the legal heat off of them if they can say that a person decided by their actions that they are no longer one of jehovah's witnesses. And that's exactly what they'll announce: "Jwfacts is no longer one of jehovah's witnesses".
Atypical,...thanks for the reply.
I realise the treatment is the same of the two. Perhaps JWfacts used the wrong terminology on this thread....however IF he was DFed and not DAed, the elder body screwed up as his record card should read disassociated...not Dfed. Like I said to him....he should check to see which one they marked him as as he could further threaten them with wrongfully disfellowshipping him on grounds of him disassociating himself.
Good on you JWFacts... You have done so well. Who knows what they may go away and think about. I am sorry they came to a decision to disphellowship you. I know you were trying to prevent this and any repercussions it may have on you & your family...
Its interesting to see that they had stuff from JWD on you. I guess the rest of us Aussies who post here are being monitored as well.
Thanks everyone for the incredible support. I can not believe over 1000 people read this within a day, it shows that what a great brotherhood this is. I have had more messages and PMs in the last day than JW visitors when i was an active JW and in hospital for a week.
GUMBY, sorry that it took so long to get back to you, i am generally fast asleep down the bottom of the world here while you are all having fun up there. You are correct, I should not be disfellowshipped, I should be disassociated. It was this mistake that allowed me the opportunity for an appeal, and the second committee was more intent on backing up the first committee than changing it to disassociation. For this reason I have written a very pointed letter to the Service Department requesting they review it the basis of a serious error in judgement.
I believe that the elders eagerness to prove me an apostate led to them deviating from Watchtower guidelines and also acting illegally.
Hi Willyoman
It was really quite simple what they had done. A brother accused me of being the owner of jwfacts.com so they probably typed jwfacts into google. Hundreds of results come up, many referring to JWD. They then read the posts looking for personal information that I have written and pasted it all together.
The most damning evidence was from an internet registry site. When I registered my site i had to put in my details such as postal address. It then realised they can be found on the internet and so changed them to a fake postal address. Somehow they had my original details, so it must be cached on a search engine or site somewhere.
If you do not want to be found remember the internet is totally visible to people. So do not put up too many personal descriptions etc. If you say you are from a particular location you can always claim it could be one of many people, but they had found details I had posted at different times about my history in the org, my wife, my cafe, my education, my parents, my city of residence etc. It was all circumstantial though until it came to my postal address.
I you want to be anonymous do not include too many specific details about your history on the internet. Someone else mentioned that it may be good to have different names for different sites that you attend as well.
How does anyone know if one of them didn't record the proceedings or have it recorded?
Just a thought.
Good work man!!!! They will D/F you anyway... But I have a tape of a brother & sister( married) that went to judicial meeting about D/f ing them... She had the tape recorder in her BRA!!!! Wonderful info...They think they are going to say who can tape & who cant!!!!No way!!!! Where there is a will there is a way....Use your freedon wisely!!!! Thanks for sharing...
And to all those "brothers" ???? that spy on this site..From Bethel. Watch out!!! We are gonna get ya!!!! with our pitchforks.....
jwfacts - you did good. I agree with you 500% that disfellowshipping is illegal, morally wrong and violates human rights. Go for the lawsuit, it's your right and you have my moral support.
PS - I think that if one has been "out" of the religion for an extended period of time (10 years is fair) that the baptism should be annulled and the former JW person should be regarded as one who never was a JW. I would pursue this legally if I had a chance...does anyone know U.S. law? I did research on this a few years ago (which is saved on my dusty old pc stuck in my closet -I was going to transfer my files one of these days) so I may not have the exact date right, but the U.N. passed a resolution in 80s I think, where religion can be held accountable for violating individual human rights and in unnecessarily interfering with one's family relationships. It's the first time that a secular institution attempts to regulate religion and it's persecution on individuals, I don't think the resolution was passed or was not passed by all member states.