The most damning evidence was from an internet registry site. When I registered my site i had to put in my details such as postal address. It then realised they can be found on the internet and so changed them to a fake postal address. Somehow they had my original details, so it must be cached on a search engine or site somewhere.Ok now I am freaking out here! They went through all that to catch you? How did they even find out about JWD? I thought emails, password protected forums are all secure sites? I am freaking out here guys! I mean, how should I be more careful? Maybe I should not be on here at all. What if they try to bring up charges on me one day? Can they demand my laptop from me? All my journals? Do they have the right?
My D/f appeal meeting went amazingly, but the still want to d/f me
by jwfacts 78 Replies latest jw experiences
No. They don't have the right. jwfacts runs an anti-JW Web site, so there's an order of magnitude of difference in exposure. They were able to get access to files related to the ownership of that Web site that are public record.
If you don't want to be traced, you an avoid it easily. Don't post real pictures. Limit discussions on the forum of people you know. DON'T post to the threads that say "Congregation Roll Call". That's about the best you can do.
AuldSoul (formerly of the Albany, GA East Congregation)Me on a bad hair day, with our lovely daughter in hand:
ohhh and what a beautiful daughter you have AuldSoul... She's as hairy as her daddy. I see the family resemblence.
Yeah, misspeaches, she scratches and bites a lot, but [sigh!] I guess you never judge your own.
What a winning smile you have Auldsoul & your daughter is real cute
Mr Rocky
I suppose that it would not be "legal" for them to make you turn over your laptop. I am sorry to inform you that nothing stops them from asking for it and then when you refuse they could DF just for refusing.
Their control is not based on the Constitution of the US. This point shouldn't be lost on us. When you join JW's you make a mistake thinking your still protected inside the congregation by the laws of the land, at least in US based law countries. I cannot even count how many times I heard "this is not a democracy" in the hall.
AK - Jeff
Thanx for posting that JWfacts.
Someone, somewhere, when you are least expecting it may step up to you and say. "Smile, I was on your JC and I have left too"
Love the kitten Auld!