You can trust in one thing for certainty, Jehovah's Witnesses thrive on finding distrssed souls such as yourself, in order to get you to realise all your fears, anxieties and thereafter, offer you a solution to your distresses in the form of a promised paradise. I don't knock what they're selling, so much, as I do the methods. The true desire of those who at the top, needing to push thier agendas, thier hidden agendas. If you stay here long enough, you'll have an opportunity to understand thier hidden agendas.
They'll solve some of your lonliness issues by offering you a home (indoctrination process) bible study, inviting you to their Kingdom Halls and administering love bombings, just long enough to get you primed and prepped for thier allowing you to enter into the fold.
You can be easily swept up in a euphoria of thinking you've found people who truly love and care for you, and some in all honesty may come to do so, it, however comes at an astronomical cost. They're in the process of finding those whom they can convert. Unless you submit to conversion, the likelyhood that they will continue to be your friend is slim to none. Its called conditional love.