Yes, I am an active JW. I go to meetings 90% of the time, I go to Field service to keep others happy.
Now that we have answered...... what about it???
regards The Lone Ranger
by isaias4u2nv 73 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, I am an active JW. I go to meetings 90% of the time, I go to Field service to keep others happy.
Now that we have answered...... what about it???
regards The Lone Ranger
sorry double post
go to most meetings
I don't make a fuss over anyone going to meetings or being a JW. That's your life/business and you know your situation better than anyone of us on this forum.
Your two-cents is welcomed here.
Let's not forget the JW "scholar" who is busy ticking off most of the abuse survivors at the moment
I'm sorry, I probably should not be posting under this thread, but there is so much out there, and I haven't been around for about 3 weeks. Who is this PMJ person who is so anxious for armageddon? Does he realize that according to Watchtower lore, anyone who isn't a "witness" is going to be destroyed??? Can he truly say that he has never met a good person in the "world"? That they all deserve death? And how does that jive with "God is Love" which we were told over and over again? Also, doesn't he think it might be a good thing to pick up a dictionary now and then, and learn how to spell??
You folks that are "active JW's" if you are only going to make a show to others, A) what kind of people are they if a show is all they care for? and B) God knows your heart.
Here! I am a non-believing JW but I go through all the motions. Meeting attendance, field service. I even serve as an elder in my congregation. Does that constitute a "active" JW?
Technically I'm active. I attend a few meetings a month and I report time spent talking to my daughter about the Bible, but I don't go out in Field Service.
I was....
Until I started reading the Bible (no, not that apostate JW one) and found out Jesus was worshipped and adored. It all began to make sense why the FDS wanted loyalty to them instead of Jesus. They are against Christ, although they claim they are for Him.
And then.....
I found out the WTBTS had been affiliated with the United Nations in a secret alliance for almost the entire time I had been an active and loyal JW.
Today, I am a Chrstian and also, according to WTBT$ doctrines an apostate worthy only of death at the hands of the demonic JW god..