Any Active JW's here!

by isaias4u2nv 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • HiddenQuestioner

    Count me as active. I attend most meetings, comment and get in about 3 hours a month in field service. For me the downside of leaving is greater then the upside and besides I consider myself a spiritual person who wants to learn the Bible and worships God. I do believe that, the Wachtower Bible & Tract Society notwithstanding, the Truth is the closest thing to the truth. I believe that God does have a purpose for man, that he is loving, that he reads the heart and thus all God fearing honest hearted good people have a chance and hope not just JWs! I come to this forum to receive more information to supplement the literature and meetings from the GB so as to enable a full, balanced and complete exposure to all that is JW. I do this secretly, as I am fully aware that the dogma condemns looking at this site but I have a free mind. The only way to help from within is to know the issues.

  • stillAwitness


    You folks that are "active JW's" if you are only going to make a show to others, A) what kind of people are they if a show is all they care for? and B) God knows your heart.

    Well I suppose God does know all our hearts. I'm sure he understands each person's individual circumstance. I'm an active witness, field service, I probbably give better talks than the best of 'em in my hall ,but of course my heart and mind is in a complete different place now.

    But I still live at home-so for now its all about survival till I can finally embrace my own independance away from the WT.

  • stillAwitness

    Whoa! Gary1914 you're an elder???

  • Trojan

    Yes. I'm also "high-ranking". Cannot talk much...reveal details. Too dangerous...

  • bonnzo

    go to almost all meetings, field service 2-3 times a month. all for family and friends. heart hasn't been in it for 2 years. but i love my family(esp. mom and wife and sister) and friends(some closer than family) so i put up with it.

  • blondie

    Can you be an active Christian and not attend meetings at the KH? Does being active mean sharing your faith with others or attending meetings at the KH?

    I'd rather be known as an active Christian than an active JW.


  • gumby

    I know this thread has over 400 views in 2 short pages of posts. Me thinks there's plenty of lurkers wondering just how many JW's there are here.....and that's a good thing.


  • jwfacts

    Welcome Garry, Trojan and HQ,

    It must be incredibly hard being an elder and not convinced. I wonder how you deal with judicial committees? It amazes me the number that lurk or do not believe who are at bethel. It was bethel that destroyed my faith.

    I was very skeptical that it was the truth and pretended to be one for 10 years after I left bethel! What a waste of time and I am ashamed at how gutless I was for so long. It is hard and traumatic to leave but worth it in the end.

  • Clam

    beksbks yes all very strange isn't it? 6 billion people due to be wiped off the face of the earthand just a bunch of JWs left. The creator's master plan supposedly.

    Hey all JW's: if you spend more hours on this forum than doing field work, then you should start wondering where you're at.

  • MidwichCuckoo
    It all began to make sense why the FDS wanted loyalty to them instead of Jesus. They are against Christ, although they claim they are for Him.

    Honesty - I've never understood this.

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