Yes, Mr. Elder, dude, WHAT IS SO DANGEROUS AND THAT YOU CAN'T REVEAL................????????
I've come to this web page for answers i can't get anywhere else. Mrs. Jones is right, i DO NOT need the "Org" to forgive me of my sins, so why do i have to keep going to meetings and wait for THEM TO DECIDE whether or not to re-instate me? How long do i have to play this game?? Can't i stay home and be ignored and have nobody around, except a few close friends, who really care about what goes on in my life???
I prayed about all of this while i was in JAIL, which was a night mare straight from HELL, as the saying goes, but i never thought that "Christian Love" or the love of Jehovah God and his forgiveness would KEEP ME OUT of the very place i wanted to run to in the first place................
None of this is i said, if i want to be alone, i can go home, and read the bible.................. I"m NOT going to wait forever for the Elders to re-instate me; i've already submitted my letter, over a month ago, and not a word, since..................And my son, i do want him taught Bible principals; but i'm at a serious loss to explain to him why Mommy can't talk to the other people in the Kingdom HAll, or why they can't come and Study the bible with us to help us grow, spirtually..................
THIS IS SCRIPTURAL???? i really don't think so....................