I was DF'd in 1985 and have not been back since. Of course disowned by my family. At that time they rarely called or came over because I had small children and they called just enough to semi maintain a relationship with them. Now that the kids are grown and gone, they have no reason to call. However, it seems like there must be a new light or something because over the last 5 years they do call once or twice a year about nothing in particular. If you heard the manner they speak you would think we are so close and talk all the time, when we are in fact now total strangers!!! What is it?
New light re: talking to DF'd persons
by caryl 31 Replies latest jw friends
What is it?
Hall cleaning.
They need you back Caryl
maybe they see the same light we do. !!!
Wouldnt it be great to cuddle our love ones again... If any one hears they have changed the rules about shunning PLEASE let me know by e-mail. As I cant keep up with this fast moving site
My mom keeps telling me some stuff about they're changing the shunning stuff too. She hasn't told me any specifics but she never quit talking ot me anyway when I was d'fd. So nothing will change. But my JW aunts and uncles that have shunned me for so long, even if they did try to start talking to me, I hate to be so unloving, but I don't want to talk to them ever. The way they make me feel like I'm a working for the devil or something. Seeing me in public and just smiling at me like I'm some little lost child or something. I hate that.
My mom tells me I should'nt feel that way but guess what, I do. My dad used to be the same way. I remember for at least about 8 yrs I didn't even talk to him and he lives just up the road (about 10 miles away)...I would see him at my grandmother's house(non-JW) and he would just pass me by like I was a total stranger. I talk to him now because he's no longer shunning me. But he wonders why I don't call and come around as much as he would like me to now. Because for so long Dad you chose not to talk to me, so I still feel uncomfortable around my own dad. Isn't that pitiful for people to let a man-made religion make families feel this way about each other?
Oh well. I'm still waiting to see the new rules. Personally I think alot of them are just saying f*** not speaking to my loved ones and doing what they want.
Welcome to the board!!!!!
I still attend the KH from time to time(I'm trying to fade!) and don't believe there has been any new light as to how DF folks are to be treated or my faithful hubby would have informed me(in case it was announced when I wasn't there....altho these things usually come out in a mag). We have a son who is DF, along with his wife, and since such new light would affect his relationships with them I am sure he would make sure I was aware of it! As it is, I have refused to shun them and he is doing so less and less....a good sign!!??
As for the elders being so friendly, I believe it is their responsibility to go visit known DF folks in their territory once or twice a year to see if there is any interest in returning to the fold....the friendlier they are to you when they stop by the more enticed you are supposed to be to come back! Look at the love!!! Don't be fooled....nothing has changed....
AK - Jeff
Sometimes, in spite of the cultish effort to deaden membership's feelings and love, it just doesn't hold water after a while.
No new light - or we'd of heard it here first. Just some people here and there getting their heart out of hock.
BTW - welcome to the board.
Lady Lee
I can't see they will ever change the rules so they can talk to those who left. In fact it seems to be that by treating those who disassociate as if they were DFed they are making the rules harder.
When I was in they changed the rule for a short time but they realized what a mistake that was pretty quickly. The last thing the WTS will do is allow JWs to talk to those who have left. They cannot control the information flow of JWs if they are free to discuss religion with those who have left and have access to the real truthâ„¢
I'm not an expert, but I would think that relaxing this would relinquish too much of the control they have over the flock.