And their imperfection became apparent in their lack of knowledge;
holy! i have never had this thought before! i've come so close, but never had it in it's full simplicity.
by DavidChristopher 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
And their imperfection became apparent in their lack of knowledge;
holy! i have never had this thought before! i've come so close, but never had it in it's full simplicity.
Indeed. Forgot to say that those are 4th-century AD manuscripts, and the texts themselves may date from the 2nd century. As the Church Fathers attest, those ideas were around in the early 2nd century, very close to the Gospel of John for instance (the first to identify the Son of Man with the serpent on the pole).
Narkissos -
as usual WOW! cool stuff. lots to digest in my brain.....
makes new connections for me.
it's so interesting to see god portrayed as a jealous, cranky, pouting baby, who wants worship! ( as he stamps his feet here and throws a fit!)
at least that was my first impression of that reading......
Narkster.....well done as usual
of course, satan doesn't exist. i have tried praying to him for a sign, doing incantations with candles and blood and all that, and nothing. either that or he thinks i am already doing fine in the free thinking dept, lol.
TS.....funny how buying something from a yardsale can invite demons.....or smokin a dube.........but trying on purpose to invite Satan in your life and him not responding should make a demon believer wonder you how REAL Satan is you might think. A dub would say he's already got you in his paws and doesn't NEED to work on you any longer cuz he's busy gathering in more followers of him. Brilliant eh?
heh, ya, ha ha! well, i guess if he does exist, then he has already set me free.