DAMNED CONSCIENCE:JW Hypocrites Who Take Blood Products

by steve2 35 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • steve2

    The blood letters by R Jensen made riveting reading. Thank you to the posters who advised about the availability of these letters: A lone elders attempts to elicit some sense from the rigidly nonsensical Watchtower's pick-and-choose blood transfusion doctrine.

    The guy was probably doomed from the start, but I so admire his persistence and courage!

    However, one issue not advanced by then JW elder Jensen which should have been is the following:

    If the Watchtower allows the Witnesses to exercise individual consciences on whether they make use of blood components (e.g., Factor VIII), does the Watchtower allow witnesses to exercise their individual consciences in whether they would donate blood for fellow witnesses that was to be used for the purpose of fractionated blood products? To me, this appears a perfectly salient question - especially for those whose consciences (wisely) say "yes" to using blood components.

    As a health professional working in a major hospital, it disgusts me to think of the sheer hypocrisy of JWs in good standing choosing to make use of blood components donated by non-witnesses. These witnesses presumably would never condone the donating of blood. They almost certainly would baulk at the idea of fellow JWs donating such blood in the first place - yet are prepared to use the bllod products donated by "worldy" people!

    Where do they think the blood component came from?

    Donated blood is often in extremely short supply. My view as a health professional is, if you're prepared to use either whole blood or fractionated blood, you should be prepared to also donate it or condone family and friends donating it, if you cannot donate it for medical reasons.

    Has the Watchtower ever explicitly addressed this specific issue? Is donating blood a conscience issue, if that blood is to be used for "approved" products?

  • Honesty

    You got it right the first time around. They are hypocrites.

  • jwfacts


    That is the critical question about blood. If they can take a fraction, who donated it for them, since it wasn't a JW? Is that fair?

    I have asked that a few times. It is usually met with silence. One person said that "Jehovah will sort it out in his due time". For goodness sake, what a mindless cop out. An elder said it is a conscience matter to take blood fractions. When I said that is avoiding the actual question he refused to discuss it any further. The question will get through to those searching, but most JW's will spit and splutter and then lock it away like the good little robots they are.


    I have asked several witnesses the same question concerning their donating their own blood for the use of blood fractions. The usual reply is some blank stare followed by a refusal to comment. Most witnesses never think that donated blood is required for their medical benefits. I bet a witness wouldn't donate their own horse's blood, and yet the blood of horses is used to make treatments for venomous snake bites. I recently discussed this with a local elder's wife while she was at work. I basically accused her of straining at the knat and gulping down the camel. She appeared to be very foolish with her responses in front of her work mates in defense of the JWs. She was also shocked at some of the information I provided in our discussion letting me know that the average witness was just as ignorant as I was when I was in the organization. Every time I have seen this lady since this discussion she just looks at the floor in my presence. One of her workmates says she's been very quiet since this discussion and that she seems very depressed and cries on a reqular basis for no apparent reason. Maybe she's feeling a little lost right now. One of the things that troubled me most and made me question the organization was their twisted viewpoint on blood. Truly the blind are leading the blind and I hope we can continue to extend a helping hand to those who are trying to crawl out of the ditch.

  • willyloman
    I have asked that [is it okay to donate the blood that the fractions used by JWs comes from] a few times. It is usually met with silence. One person said that "Jehovah will sort it out in his due time". ... An elder said it is a conscience matter to take blood fractions. When I said that is avoiding the actual question he refused to discuss it any further.

    That's because it is NOT a conscience matter. If it were truly a matter of conscience, your conscience would lead you to donate blood so brothers and sisters would have their lives saved by the fractions therefrom.

    Since dubs aren't allowed to donate blood from which the fractions come. it follows that conscience doesn't come into play at all. It's a command from men and must be obeyed.

  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    steve, it is with the WT like with a little child that says"wash me but dont make me wet".

    They arre inconsequent in any regard. they dont accpet facts, they twist them inside outside so that their shaped believe is ok.

    I am sure our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will spit them out as they put the law of the Governing Body over the law of living.

    a transfusion does not mean that a life ( that of an animal ) comes to end because of slaughtering for food.

    A Blood donation has another appropriate value: The Donator gives a little of his blood to save his fellow christian.

    Menawhile I am convinced that the Tower plans to organize new business in alternative medicine. It is well know that they own stocks in industries.

    And as they have no chance to get a shafre of the red cross blood donations they compete with innovation and technology.

    That is typical all of their behavior. And the file & ranks do what they are said to do - being obedient to men who claim to be their spiritul leaders but who forget that they also could be an evil slave who will be hit into peaces at the right time when the king really comes.

    IN my understanding JC has not yet come. He will come, clean his worship and install a true slave class. IN 1918 those people were busy in heathen practice, beining involved in propaganda to buy war bonds and sending their disciples into war. yep thats it - shape your past and win your future, that kind of fata morgana seems to have endurance.

    But they will reap what they have sown.

    Greetings from Letzebuerg

  • Clam

    Very good point.

    Firstly yes they are hypocrites, and not just in the blood department of course.

    I’m a blood donor now and if my blood saved a JW that would be great. If my blood helped someone who’d crashed his car because he was drunk, that’s ok too. They’re not the same thing of course but then when it comes to preserving a life that’s what counts. Let the JWs live with their consciences. It’s one more anomaly that might make them think that what they’re into doesn’t make sense. I think if the WTS thought they could rescind their blood policy in the same way they did with the vaccine policy they would.

    But now they’ve painted themselves into a corner. They’d not only lose yet more credibility, they’d have retrospective law suits by the hundreds.

    So in the meantime I say let them have the blood we’ve donated, smile about it, feel good about it and let them live with themselves.

  • oldflame

    Wait ! a darn minute here. First they tell you it is a conscience issue then they df or da you for the conscience matter ? What a bunch of hypocrites............

  • IronClaw

    All good posts here. I always wondered why you couldn't store your own blood for an upcoming operation? The lame response was that the blood left the body. OK my response to that is, Hasn't the blood used to make fractions also left the body? When we have blood tests done, itsn't it supposed to be poured out on the ground? Some have told me that its only a small amount of blood to due a test. So I guess size matters now. What does it matter, whether you get killed by a small bullet or run over by a tank! Hypocrites!

  • garybuss

    The way they could change the blood policy is this: Just change the shunning policy. No shunning for blood treatment. Leave the blood teachings alone. Don't mention the blood teachings any more. Then in 20 years say blood medical treatment was always a conscience matter and if you don't agree with that, we'll shun you.

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