My letter of annulment. LOL I am going to tell everyone it worked.

by jwfacts 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MinisterAmos

    I hope all JW's pay particular attention to the "Cult of confession" comment. Let me see, in my congregation the Elders include one Janitor, one Sofa re-finisher, and one AC Repairman. As far as I can tell the path leading to Elder includes NO special training other than the usual repetition of WTS dogma, as such, these cfolks are entrusting the most private aspects of their lives to well, UNEDUCATED JANITORS!

    I'd love to share some of the comments that the Janitor Elder made to me about some of the sisters, but I am more discrete than that. Be very frigging careful is all I can say. If you wouldn't want your kids taking life lessons from their school Janitor, don't even consider the Janitor Elder as a safe place to consume the spiritual banquet.

    Never fails to amaze me.

  • moshe

    I will make copies of this for a midnight run soon. I occasionally drive through a neighboring KH late at night and just drop a few things in the parking lot. Haven't done so in a year or so- time for another run! I imagine that someone will pick this up and read it- a f ew days outside makes them look like some lost advertising flyer - trash to be picked up. If some teenage finds them. they have a good chance of breaking free.

    I wish I still had a copy of my original annulment letter I sent to the WT in 1988- wait a minute, I know a former Ex-JW in Florida who I am sure kept copies of all my letters. I will call him and see if he can send me a copies .



  • jwfacts

    Nice comments and welcome M/Amos. I have certainly heard some horror stories from sisters that poured out their hearts to the elders about some deeply personal issues. I would definitely not recommend anyone think an elder has the training of psychiatrist, they can do irrepairable damage.

    Moshe, good idea. I have been thinking of making up catchy little fliers and leaving them on car windows.

    FatFreak, that letter from Seeker is what gave me a lot of good ideas, I did not know they made the announcement regardless. I am sad to hear that.

    The confusion in my congregation seems to be that they don't quite know if it is a d/f, d/a or even an annulment, and therefore how to treat me. There seems to be more contempt for people who get d/f then d/a, and now they are not quite sure how evil I truly am. I am just going to tell everyone, "You can talk to me, I asked to have my baptism annulled so am like one of the world now". I am sure that will trick a few of them, especially my friends that have moved to different areas. I had being dishonest, but after the blatant dishonesty of the WTS I feel it is the only way to treat them.

  • geevee

    Role playing at it's very best jwfacts......... someone suggested that they could get another person to pretend to be "annointed", so why not have your baptism annulled? It would take a while for the elders there to have a special needs talk about this whole sticky mess......

  • mustang


    You're just using Theo-craptik Warfare; ask yourself: are they deserving of the a thorough disclosure?


  • Amazing1914

    jwfacts: This is brilliant ... even if your letter results in nothing from the Society, it presents the matter from the "high road" and leaves them in the dust. Well done. I am getting some ideas in my own situation. Thanks for posting this.

    Mustang: You have an email from me. I will give you a call soon.

    Jim W.

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