JWs tell their flock that they are superior to "worldly ones". That they're better. How would you refute that???
What's The Difference Between A "Worldy Person" & JW???
by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends
Were not many of them wordly at one time?????
Better to ask who was a worldly witness and who tried to act like they wern't a worldly witness, even though they really were?
A "worldly" person has a conscience. The JW conscience is not owned by the individual - it is owned by the corporation, and the corporation is free to distort the individual conscience at any time without notice.
now where getting somewhere....
mark hughes
A "worldly person" will listen to an argument/discussion on religious beliefs, give their opinion and answer questions about their opinion and listen to constructive criticism about their opinion.
A "jw" will not listen to an argument/discussion on other peoples religious beliefs, will only discuss their beliefs, will only answer questions that they feel like answering and ignore all the rest, and if anyone should criticize their beliefs they will tell them that they will die a horrible death of fire, eyes gouged out, head cut of etc...etc...at Armageddon.
A JW is imperfect, prone to making mistakes, will screw things up on a monumental level once in a while, will generally not always make the best decisions but deep down wants to do whats right for the most part.
A worldly person is generally the same however doesnt mind admitting that fact!
drew sagan
Actually JWs are not told that they are better in such a direct sense. Instead they are given vaiours generalized "facts" that tend to encourage the idea that those "in the truth" are much more sound that those "crazy" people in the world.
I've heard CO's and DO's speak to the congregations about how they need to remember that we are not better than anybody, and that we need to preach the good news to everybody. Of course, this is then followed by talks that relate in general and nondescriptive "points" about how the world is crazy and we are so much more sound because (and here is the point) of our BIBLE TRAINED CONSCIENCE.
I think the best way to argue this one is by asking a JW if they feel that there is really NOBODY ELSE but JWs in the world trying to live by the Bibles Standards. Are they all really hypocrites, down to the last one? Or are there people out there that do try to apply these things?
EVERY JW IS TAUGHT THE ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION IS OF COURSE THERE ARE!!!! Rembmer we have to find those "deserving ones" out there? Those with the right "heart condition"! Then whats the purpose for that general "worldly" label put on everything, if it dosn't apply to everybody?
Try that out to make their head spin. -
A "worldly" person is normal. A JW is not.
JWs live in a black and white world. Good vs Evil. Jehovah vs. Satan. There is no middle ground. You're either accepted by God(read: the WTS) or you're not. Worldly people, in the eyes of JWs, fall into the Evil catagory. Nothing is redeemable about worldly people. Nothing is good if it is not part of God's organization.
Most worldly people see the world in shades of gray and adjust their opinion and beliefs over the course of time based on new information and new developments. They're willing to consider evidence that can change their opinion on something. They will debate issues to better understand what they think they know and what others know.
The only thing JWs change are Bible-based doctrines when their leaders change policies because of legal or money problems.
Normal worldly people don't see Evil in everything they don't understand. They don't look for bad in everything that doesn't agree with thier sensibilities.