tetrapod.sapien ---- I think it's fairly obvious that these things don't want to be be interviewed by some paranormal experts and to sit there and say that because the evidence is not overwhelming all people are lying or have some psychotic episode because they see spirits is just plain ignorant .True people will try to exploit just about anything for a quick buck or a moment of fame but so far I don't think anybody that answered on this thread has gained anything from it. Personally I don't believe that human spirits wonder this world aimlessly but do believe in evil lying spirits that enjoy harrassing the the living . There was no historical referrence to the spirit I saw on several occasions , it did not look like a human that exept for the fact it had a head and torso but no distiquishable features . The homes I've lived in here in texas have no history to them .
Anyone ever seen a ghost?
by Clam 53 Replies latest jw friends
John Doe
The supernatural is in the eye of the beholder. We live the realities we make.
No, but I think my dog may have once. A crystal clear memory from my ninth year on the planet.
My younger sister, two younger cousins and I were sitting out on our porch. The porch light was on. Our dog, Khan, was sitting with us. Khan started barking at something (not unusual) but the barking kept intensifying and he started tucking his tail as if afraid. His head started inclining upwards as he continued to bark, suddenly his head jerked up and over like he was following a frisbee with his eyes and he was still barking at the light bulb when it burst. Then he started whimpering.
True story. I have no idea what that was about, but I wondered about it several times since. We didn't live near a bog.
AuldSoul -
There have been many postings on this subject before, but yes, I lived with a ghost for nearly 10 years. Never hurt us, but my mom and sister also saw it, as well as heard it.
There are those who are determined that I did not experience what I say, and will tell everyone that there is no such things as ghosts. But they are real, no question about it.
If you want more details, just PM me, and I would be glad to share them with you.
needless to say, you guys are freaking me out!!i always thought the only things to be afraid of in dark and lonely places were psychotic serial killer.
(as i walk over to ensure the doors are locked and i turn on all the lights)
I think that sometimes, it takes an "experience" to make someone believe in ghosts. I never, ever believed in ghosts and would poke fun at people who did, until I started working at a so called "haunted" restaurant. I could easily write a book about it.
John Doe
I don't think people don't experience ghosts--I think ghosts are internal. The mind is a powerful thing, and when spooked can can have some odd perceptions. The trick is knowing when to trust our senses and when not to. If you don't believe in ghosts, you're not going to see one. Some might think they don't beleive, but on a subconscious level they do. We like to believe in the supernatural. Why is Stephen King popular? But for all practical purposes, if it can't be conclusively demonstrated than it is not a physical reality. Anything else is just fuddleheadedness. Read about the Salem witchcraft trials sometime.
John Doe--- Just want to know why somebody with no credentials in anything related to what has been stated even bothers to say anything. Fine don't believe but don't tell me what my mind is capable of .
Put that in your pipe and smoke it .
John Doe
Heathen, could you please explain what qualifies as credentials for discussion of paranormal activities? You have no idea what credentials I have/don't have. Don't get mad at me for pointing out your loopiness. ;-) When you get time, perhaps you should look up "poisoning the well."
Wasanelder Once
Well, I met George Gangas once in 1985, does that count?