Anyone ever seen a ghost?

by Clam 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    "John Doe--- Nobody wants to hear your half baked annalysis ."

    So what else does everybody want, heathen? What I don't understand is why someone with no credentials relating to what everybody wants would even make a statement. ;-) You're the first to complain. Put that under your fingernail and sniff it.

    How was that? I'm really not good at this style of post. ;-)

  • wednesday

    When I first joined I was convinced that I had had numerous problems with the demons and even started a thread asking about it. I was told I needed psychiatric care. I didn't appreciate it then , and don't now. However, I kept an open mind, b/c goodness knows, JWS had deceived me about everything, so why not this? Also I am aware that belief in the demons is not exclusive to jws. What I have learned over the last 31/2 yrs is that about 80% of what I thought we demon attcks etc, were sleep paralysis. I was very embarrassed when I realized this.

    Well after I got rid of that aprox 80% I was left with things that had happened in daylight while I was not sleeping , or drugged by any means. Then I had to consider ,(if I was to be truly unbiased) if I could have had a brief pshchotic experience . I have 3 experiences whein 2 people, one being myself, saw something. So unless we were both psychotic at the same time, I have to say they actually happened. One was my husband and I saw a small cloud of smoke go through the bedroom wall. The other involved a brief loss of time and inability to move by both my husband and I. The third involved a person I hardly know and was at work. We both saw somethig "fly" across the hallway at work. We both were firghtened and said that we were glad someone else had seen it too. It was moving at high speeds. While at work I had the experience of that"fear" someone spoke of passing near me. I almost have a 4th experience, but I myself did not see anything. The person I was with, actually being interviewed by, did however, and she was very upset. I did however "feel" like their was someone out side the door, where she had seen something.

    I have had other experiences but for the sake of being clear that they did happen, and no sleep was involved , I'll not mention them i detail, except for a couple.

    I had an experience where I saw something in the hallway. It seemed to be moving very fast. It appeared and then then disappeared.I have seen persons stand at my bedside, but I am leary of calling that an actual event b/c it could be r/t sleep paralysis. I did mention on procephor thread that I do have dreams that come true. These have almost always been about persons in our family and was related to their health. Only once has it not been my faimily, but then again it was someone close to me. I don't try to have dreams, they just happen.

    I do believe that something else exist besides ourselves. I'm not sure what. I have joked on other threads about other persons seeigng their deceased relatives. I said once that our family was so unfriendly that my relatives would not have come to see me while they were alive, can't imagine why they woud stop in after dying. At any rate, I don't scoff at stories, but I do think a lot of things can be explained. then we are left with the things that cant.


  • free will
    free will

    no, i've not seen any, but i sure have had the feeling once or twice. most recently, i was indulging in an afternoon nap. i think i was in that state of sleeping and waking but, i kept hearing my family go by. the floor even seemed to shake a little when they passed me on the couch. but no matter how much i tried to see them i couldn't turn my head to do it. they always seemed to be just out of reach. this went on for a while and i could tell that i was getting agitated in my dream/wake state. i finally heard my young son ((after he ran by me a few times -shaking the floor)) say to someone at the door -should i tell her you're here? no answer from the other person. i started to yell his name (no sound out of my mouth)and telling him to come to me. (raising my hands although they never left my side.)he didn't come until i got mad at him for not coming, when he did -- i sensed he was kneeling by me on the couch and he grabbed my hand. i actually felt it. and got freaked at the same time. 2 seconds later the phone rang. waking me - but when i answered it, it was just static. retelling this story freaks me out again.

  • freedom96

    John Doe -

    I don't give a flying flip if you think what happened to my family makes sense, or seems "reasonable" to you. You were not there, so how could you possibly know?

    Your statements make you seem quite narrow minded, and silly, to say the least. Just because you may believe a certain way doesn't make your way the truth. Hmm, I seem to recall we all were victims of the same type of mentality.

    We were brought up in a witness home, where "ghosts" or whatever you want to call it were not supposed to exist. So we didn't talk to each other about it until later. Big deal. And yes, I am talking about the past, as that is when it happened. If I encountered one tonight, I would let you know, but the statement was about the past, when it happened. Don't know what is so difficult to understand about that.

    Trust me, my memory of the situations described are crystal clear. If it happened to you, you would remember too. And I suppose my witness son who was with me when we would visit my mother, saw it too, was actually just imagining it as well. And he had never heard us talk about it, he saw it on his own, and told me later about it.

    If someone doesn't want to believe in ghosts, fine. To each their own. But for those who have encountered ghosts, or spirit creatures, or whatever you want to call it, we know what we saw and experienced. And for you to suggest that we didn't see it, is really quite foolish. It is the main reason I really don't talk about it too much on this website, because there are immature people who must be right at any cost, even when they have nothing whatsoever to back up what they are saying.

    So fine, don't believe. But don't tell me what I did or didn't see. It just makes you look like an idiot.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    I have hesitated to type this - and it is something I have only shared with 3 people. I am not the sort of person that believes or looks for anything 'supernatural' and I never expect to experience anything of that nature.

    Over 20 years ago I lived in a house with my young child. The house was about 100 years old. One night, I had just got into bed (I never drank and never took drugs) - it was a double bed and I always slept with my back toward the centre. Literally a minute after I got in (my child, aged 4, was asleep in the back bedroom), the other side of the bed was depressed violently as thought someone heavy had thrown themselves onto it. And then I heard the most horrendous breathing. I have never been as terrified as I was then. I would have to have turned around to see what was behind me - but I froze. I was desperately trying to remain motionless. The breathing continued for maybe 20 minutes.

    Another night I was awoken by an almighty crash - which I didn't really think anything of and drifted back to sleep. The next morning I discovered that the chest of drawers in my bedroom, which was about 4 feet tall, had been tipped over.

    I sold that house 20 years ago - but I still dream about it often - and my dreams take me upstairs there. I am sometimes tempted to ask the present owners if they experience anything - but they may think me mad

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I have always thought there might be something to it since I was a child and had my first experience wherein a voice came out of the closet and said, in a raspy voice: "Freely Kettle." I still do not, to this day, know what that means.

    I've always been fascinated with the possibility, and joined a paranormal investigation group about 3 years ago. I've never fully been convinced of it (paranormal energy) until just recently. I do not know how to classify these manifestations, just that they happened to me (and in one incident two other people). I don't know whether they are ghosts, demons, or just invisible balls of energy that have not transformed and are bouncing around the planet pinging things. Who knows...

    About a year ago, I was grocery shopping at Wal-Mart. My husband was following me around with the cart, approximately 12 feet behind me when I headed for the dairy cases. About 6 feet in front of the dairy cases, the door opened, held itself for a second, and then closed shut Not slammed shut, but closed shut. I screamed and jumped back, crashing into my husband pushing the cart. I asked him if he saw it. He asked me what I had seen and I told him and he chuckled all the way to the checkout counter. It's all I could rave about all day.

    I do know that dairy cooler doors, when the cases is entered into from the inside, burp. But this wasn't like that. It opened, stayed open for a second, and then simply swung shut, not being allowed to slam as if would have happened if it had been suddently let go of.

    I called the WalMart manager (trying to think of a way to put it so I didn't seem like a fruitcake) and asked her about it. She said she would warn the dairy staff. Gaw...

    More recently, a group of friends and I went to a hotel in Northern Texas for a weekend getaway. An old hotel, its known for its paranormal activity. The first time I stayed there, with my husband, nothing happened except some words appeared in the mirror when I took a bath. Besides that, nothing. It wasn't really that impressive because I steamed up the bathroom five times and it kept coming back. The exact same words. I figured someone put some Rain-X on the mirror to freak people out.

    This time: an ice chest moved from one side of our room to between the beds, now *that* was freaky! Knocks on the walls; bathroom door slammed when I went in; horrible smell of stinky man feet in bed next to me, getting so bad I had to spray it down with air freshener in order to sleep, but it kept coming back; a man's LOUD scream in the middle of the night (two other rooms heard it, too); closet that was colder by 30 degrees than the rest of the room (no a/c on); stuff hidden under the bed when we came back from dinner; etc. It went on like that for two days. I was not disappointed at all! Pretty soon it started to seem "normal" if you can ever call stuff like that normal. We were very tired when we got back. Not a restful vacation at all. It was fun, though, and we are going back in March!


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I never said no one saw ghosts. I said that ghosts are not a physical reality. Yup, I say that spirits don't float through walls and go around harassing people and I look like an idiot. Ha ha. I don't care if you were a witness or not. If you see something like that, you're going to talk about it.

    But, I suppose since I don't believe in the tooth fairy or Santa Clause that I'm also a narrow-minded idiot. ;-) When I was a kid, I used to play in grave yards until 3 or 4 in the morning with one of my friends trying to see something. Nothing ever happened. Again, if you don't believe, you're not going to see one. The only reason some get offended when people don't believe them about ghosts is becuase they know they sound crazy. If they really didn't care and if they were really confident, they would not get offended. One doesn't have to believe in ghosts to be open minded.

  • wednesday


    of course you do not have to believe in ghosts etc. How on earth would it badly effect your life not to believe in them? It won't. And if you have never had an experience, you just haven't. I have, and i'm posting a little about it. Others are posting a bit about theirs. I'm ok with you saying you have never seen one, but not so ok with you implying or out right saying we are all nuts. . I have had a few strange things happen to me, and as yet , I don't have any real clear explanation for them. Being afraid and mocking at things you do not understand is being narrow minded.

  • MidwichCuckoo
    I was a kid, I used to play in grave yards until 3 or 4 in the morning with one of my friends trying to see something.

    How very odd - assuming that 'ghosts' usually appear in Graveyards, and only after midnight. Someone's thinking has been influenced by too many films I think.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    "How very odd - assuming that 'ghosts' usually appear in Graveyards, and only after midnight. Someone's thinking has been influenced by too many films I think."

    How did you get that from what I said? I didnt' mention all of the places I've been looking for ghosts--supposedly haunted places.

    I shouldn't have implied that you are all nuts though. I was saying those things tongue in cheek, and I apologize if any of you took offense.

    I don't think you're nuts, just that you share a common delusion. Everyone has delusions of one kind or another, and I do not mean this personally. I might seem closed-minded to you, but I would be gullible if I believed everyone who told me ghost stories, in my estimation. I've given ghosts plenty of opportunity to reveal themselves. I do not fear being wrong, nor do I fear the supernatural. Fear has nothing to do with what I believe, though I could see where you might assume that since fear does affect so many folks' views.

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