NO - NO -NO , it takes me all my time to keep one woman happy
If it was legal, would you have more then one spouse?
by free2beme 67 Replies latest jw friends
YES YES YES!! I would love this, I keep telling my bf that he needs another wife! I think it would be awesome!
Maybe you'd like a woman too, since you scored high in my bisexual thread.
LOL... Being a bi-sexual person, I would love my bf to agree to have another woman live with us, it would be great for both of us!
I would love to have a husband and a
LOL... Being a bi-sexual person, I would love my bf to agree to have another woman live with us, it would be great for both of us!
I would love to have a husband and a
he he... holy hanna! where do i sign up for a gf like this? what factory do you come from krystal? because i don't think they make women like that out west here.... lol. your bf surprises me, frankly. he he ts
I think I made it sound like my bf doesn't agree... we had a conversation about it and he thinks it is a lovely idea.
This is where morality comes into play.
yes! for sure! the more moral she is, the more i enjoy it.
ts (of the "likes babes with crosses" class)
If it was legal, would you have more then one spouse?
Good Gawd, No!!! I'm having a hard time raising just this one!
It's not such a far out was on the front page of the National Post that some idiot policians are considering making Polygamy legal in Cana-duh...........they say that seeing as adultery is not longer considered a crime, why shouldn't men be allowed to have more than one wife?
Is it adultery if you're married to all of them?