Thank You Norm,
For your comments and your noted thought:
I would guess that’s individual. Some blame the Watchtower Society leaders others both the leaders and the R&F. The Watchtower Society would of course be nothing without the R&F Witnesses,
This is very much at the crux of my question which just for the drawing of focus to the issue with more accuracy I will quote again:
My question? Why do some of us attack JW’s as people and who are our real targets?
Like Alan in his post which thankfully dealt with the question at hand he said that he felt the reasons to be 'mixed', somewhat agreeing with your your own estimation, which of course makes much sense.
At the basis of how we can feel justified ethically in attacking in the R&F ( I am NOT talking about attacks on them on this Board ) seems to be the accountability that we feel they have, for propagating a falsehood which damages and blights peoples lives.
My own worry with the scenario of attacking the R&F is that we all understand and agree that they have gone through an extremely honed long term, intense process of brainwashing, imho far more deep reaching and subtle and refined than that of the crude Nazi propaganada machine. At what stage can we judge them victims or victimisers? What also has to be taken into account is that perhaps owing to the fact that the GB are largely protected from interaction with individual EXJW's, the next best target is the individual JW and we attack them, in my opinion a largely futile and counterproductive action.
My own position is that I hold no malevolance toward any individual JW, even those that have treated me scurriously and with evil intent. I may not like many of them personally, but that is not the issue here. I cannot say at what stage they are acting from their own motives or from programmed ones and as such will not judge them.
The leadership however, all of whom are well aware of what they are doing, and here I speak of the few dozen men responsible for keeping the ship afloat, are a different issue. Though none have treated me with contempt personally, I hold them responsible and thus all my efforts are targeted toward them.
Again, thanks for your comments Norm - HS