How Jehovah's Witnesses will be viewed in 100 years...
Symbolic generation. Does it extend batting time for WTBTS?
by Spectrum 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yah really , The WTBTS buys up a bunch of land in pensylvania and goes Amish . LOL
I really can't wait to hear the new generation dogma . I wonder if they are just waiting for the facts to show it impossible that anyone from 1914 could still be alive , then the "new light" has a way of changing things .That would confuse alot of things they have stated , especially in the Revelation book .I just don't see how they can change it, even to what I've heard , something like- any generation alive during the tribulation which started in 1914 . I haven't seen that in print yet but seems like these things are stated in a way to which it could be taken as coming from the FDS. That's how sneaky they are , the same thing happened with all the end time dates , they turn around and say it was a rumor started by zealots and not by the FDS.
They will always be around as long as they don't do what the Herbert Armstrong crowd did and change their core doctrines.
Can any on the boards please tell me book numbers,pages etc. ,I can find these new changes ? Thanks
Watchtower November 1st 1995:"Eager to see the end of this evil system, Jehovah's people have at times speculated about the time when the "great tribulation" would break out, even tying this to calculations of what is the lifetime of a generation since 1914. However, we bring a heart of wisdom in," not by speculating about how many years or days makeup a generation, but by thinking about how we "count our days" in bringing joyful praise to Jehovah." "Therefore, in the final fulfillment of Jesus prophecy today, this generation apparently refers to the peoples of earth who see the sign of Christs presence but fail to mend their ways."
You know, It really annoys me when the system eats most of my post. -
They will change and morph but keep on going, but without much in the way of growth. Their core doctrine in Jehovah and no Trinity, plus the paradise, so that is enough to differentiate a religion.
There are not 6 million that like the religion. Only some of the followers actually like their way of life. But many I know feel overwhelmed by the guilt, and talk about how much the New System is needed because they can not go on another day. Without the prod of Armageddon those will soon realise there are far better ways to live and view life.
I remember the generation change very well. Some in our kh rejoiced at the news, because it gave them more time to hopefully get their worldly or dfd relatives to "safety", some were a little saddened by it, particularly the older ones, as they realised that they were now likely to die before armageddon, but most just accepted it and carried on as before. As for myself, I pondered over the significnce of it for a short time, but my faith remained the same.
I now see it as the wts merely buying time by postponing armageddon in peoples minds. Prior to the change, most jws I knew, and myself as well, felt that the end had to come before 2000. After the change, we were not so sure, and if the generation theory had remained the same, there may well have been a mass exodus form the wts as time went on. The change helped prevent this, and thats probably why they did it. I just wonder what they'll come up with next.
I firmly believe the watchtower can survive any doctrinal shift. The minds of the dubs are so conditioned to blindly accept whatever those old farts in brooklyn tell them, there will always be a hard-core centre who will blindly adhere.
What they cannot control are external factors: going bankrupt from lawsuits from blood and molestation victims, the constant march of the internet and the fact they are bleeding their young members. They will fade into relative obscurity, but it will be at least 50 years or more. Remember, there are still loyal followers of C.T. Russell, the "Dawn Bible Students" who were the other off-shoots of the JWs after Russell died and Rutherford staged his coup.
Thank you dmouse......are there anymore ? Watchtower Awake etc. .....
it was just a routine.
This statement pretty much sums up how most JWs view being a JW these days. They pretty much are going through the motions...