Have them sit at your computer and bring them to this site. Have them read awhil, then, go to the bottom of the page and take them to the silentlambs site.
how do i shut a j.w up?
by h2o 21 Replies latest jw friends
i wanted a question that would shut them up.
Dude, some... uh... "friends" and I are hosting a black sabbath at a place out in the woods next full moon. We'd love to... um... have you for dinner. Want to come?
i'll bring my tent!
1. Open your door.
2. Look menacely at him/her, 0.357 in hand.
3. Holster your gun.
4. Say inocently: Sorry, I thought you were a JW.If you really want to help them, ask them to first read a copy of Steven Hassan's "Combatting Cult Mind Control" to be discussed before getting into religion.
Seriously, h20, a there are a few JW stumpers. The biggest ones are about the date of Jerusalem's destruction (JW's say 607, scholars say 587/586). This throws off their whole end-times chronology since it is all based upon that 607 date. Basically, they have no evidence for the 607 date - there are a few sites on the net that deal specifically with this question if you want to read up on it.
Another stumper is the changing blood policy. JW's claim that they do not take blood into their bodies - blood must be spilled upon the ground, but the fact is that they are allowed many blood fractions including HemoPure which is made from cow's blood. JW's are not even allowed autologous transfusions (storing their own blood for later) but they are allowed blood fractions from other humans/animals which were obviously stored before processing. Doesn't make any sense. http://www.ajwrb.org has some good info on this topic.
Also, they shun former members and have a bit of a reputation for harboring pedophiles now days.
Hope that shuts them up, but it'll probably only open up a can of worms. It would be fun to watch them struggle with those questions, though! :)
"Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so."
..........Bertrand Russell -
Put this on you front door.
Through questions mainly. When a four scripture sermon starts, after the 1st scripture and then they flip to the 2nd (with a coherent connective sentence naturally) I asked them to go back to the 1st because I can't see the connection with the context of the 1st and what's been read with the 2nd. I continually ask them to outline the context - to whom was it written, etc. I use terms like "but that is not actually what the Bible says, it's your interpretation, now your interpretation may be right and a very good interpretation, I'm not arguing that at the moment, but I just want to see what the Bible in actually says". By this time, they are advising me they don't want to argue with me. I explain I'm not arguing but need clarification, that they appear to me to be jumping from Scripture to Scripture which is not making sense to me and I just need help in seeing the jumps. I haven't had a complete "sermon" yet. It was interesting seeking clarification when I was speaking with a Mormon, (not knowing much at all about their beliefs) and just asking for clarification, pushing his belief to its logical conclusion. He only became pale and sweaty when I asked him "what is his faith if his church disappeared overnight?" I haven't been able to get that far with a dub yet.
LOL SlayerLayer, does anyone know how the ubiquitous demon-smurf story started?!
say "hi nice people i'm DF would you like to come in and see a book caled C.C.?"
the ideas and opinions expressed in this post do not necessiarly represent those of the WTB&TS inc. or any of it's subsidiary corporations.
Tell them that you would love to accept one of their books, and
ask if they would like to come back next week and discuss it. But
only on the condition that they return the favor. They must take one
of your books, read it, and return next week. Then hand them
Crisis of Concience.Your door will be swinging on its hinges before the book hits the