Educating yourself with as much information as you can, is a great start. Toxic Faith is a terrific book that does not mention any particular religions. You may even be able to get your wife to read that one, since it doesn't criticize the WT. Maybe you could study up, find areas that you can use in their own version of the Bible, to show that what they say "doesn't really make sense". Then ask if she can explain it to you. But don't do it in a critical, or snide way. And do not pressure her. If she ends up not answering you, then let it go. She WILL think about it. And you must realize that this could take a LONG time for her to work through. Educating your kids about what their Mom is going through might help them also. Don't tease her or critisize her, or the WT. Let her know that you think she is smart and honest. Allow her to make the decision on her own. "Love-bomb" her at home, so that she would rather be with you than at the KH. She is probably going through some depression issues. Maybe even suggest reading the Bible together, WITHOUT any other materials. Start in the New Testament first. It could be that as you go through Romans, Galatians, etc.... she will see that there are things that just do not coincide with what she has been taught. And you can learn the questions to ask from particular verses as you go along. And PRAY!!!!!! And I will be praying that your wife will break the bonds of this mind control that she is under. Have faith. It WILL happen.