That's a great constructive attitude AA if everyone offers a little encouragement to those that got badly demoralised through the actions of the WTS it can add up to a lot.
Anyone else in PUTERNUT's shoes? Despairing? COME TO US!
by AlmostAtheist 77 Replies latest jw friends
I should probably mention that I do have a bit of perspective into it. I was seriously depressed for a few years, quite suicidal, and involuntarily hospitalized. Sometimes your thoughts race and your mind becomes such a frenzy that you don't know what to do. Other times you're so despairing, tears have long since flooded out, time just refuses to move forward, and you can't imagine that there will ever be 10 minutes from now, much less 6 months down the road.
"Perk up, things will look better in the morning" is about the worst thing to hear. Because you know (or at least, for all the world, believe) it isn't true. You've already lived through mornings -- had one today, in fact -- and things aren't better. Depression sort of stamps your whole eternity with copies of now. Your mind won't allow for grasping that tomorrow could possibly be different, much less that you could actually think differently of it.
I don't claim to understand everybody, or even anybody. But whatever club suicidal people belong to, I am at least a charter member.
I didn't know Puternut but thru Nos' thread I feel that connection with his feelings, I don't want anyone else to make that same decision.
I'm Pm' ing you my number please add me to your network "support team" I don't have any formal qualifications for this sort of thing but sadly I do have personal ones.
Bless the souls that try to help , offer a listening ear , extend a comforting hug .But realize you can not control the disorder that goes on in some one else's mind . You can only try and guide that one to seek help , but you will never know what is really going on in their mind. Even the depressed person may feel okay one moment then suddenly just can't deal one more second .
Ary was a good friend of mine. We even got a chance to meet in Las Vegas a couple of years ago, before he and Octavia went to Hawaii. I had kept in touch with him from time to time, but, even though I knew he was deeply depressed at times, I was always under the impression he was dealing with it. I've been where you described, Troubled Mind, and I have claimed victory over that awful place. I only wish Ary had reached out and shared before doing what he did..............I will miss him.
Most of the time, the person who commits suicide is killing the wrong person. i've heard it said by shrinks that when a person advances from thoughts of suicide to thoughts of homocide, they are making progress in the right direction (although this is no endorsement to kill anyone).
Suicide is one of those tabu subjects that no one wants to broach. Thank you AA for broaching it.
I'm here for support too. I've been there. experienced that. ended up taking a trip to the hospital in 2001 after taking an OD of tylenol3's because of severe (non-JW related) physical and emotional pain. I attempted russian roulette (and won!) when I was 25 and stuck in a horrible physically abusive marriage to that "good jw man" I married at 18. I left him 8 months later.
Dave I'll PM you my email and phone number. With discretion youj are welcome to give it out.
Hugs and love to you ALL
I salute you
for starting a much needed thread like this
many of us have way to much to deal with, With our background as a jw.
Frannie Banannie
"Perk up, things will look better in the morning" is about the worst thing to hear. Because you know (or at least, for all the world, believe) it isn't true. You've already lived through mornings -- had one today, in fact -- and things aren't better. Depression sort of stamps your whole eternity with copies of now. Your mind won't allow for grasping that tomorrow could possibly be different, much less that you could actually think differently of it.
I don't claim to understand everybody, or even anybody. But whatever club suicidal people belong to, I am at least a charter member.
I agree, AA. I'm a charter member, too. My first attempt was at age 14. Most of my attempts since then haven't been documented, because what's to tell when one isn't successful at it? But for a total of almost a dozen attempts, I guess that makes me a charter member, too. Most of 'em have occurred since deborganization. I should have deborganized earlier. What a wasted potentially best years of my life.
Not to worry, though. As things stand, I'm in the process of being tested for medication at this time. So things should work out.
It is so hard to come forward when you are despairing. Honestly, when I am in the throes of depression, the last thing I want to do is ask for help. I am emotionally draining and I know it. I don't even expect my husband to put up with my hours of crying and lack of motivation to even shower. How on earth can I expect anyone else to???
I completely understand Puternut's decision. He has something now that he hasn't ever had. Peace of mind. Why do people try to prevent that from being accomplished? You aren't living his life, you don't know what he was going through. Let him enjoy his silent heart for once.
There's a helpline set up for people who need help. 800-why-1914. It's manned whenever possible, so you get a live person to talk to. Marilyn, who mans the helpline is a counselor and an xjw.
I helped out on the helpline for a number of years when circumstances allowed it. It was a learning experience for me... I had never realized the level of pain so many are in.
when I am in the throes of depression, the last thing I want to do is ask for help.
I can relate to that. I'm pretty introverted at the best of times, and keep to myself for the most part. If I'm depressed I won't talk to anyone at all, and I don't answer the door or phone.