Why Do Some "JWs" Do This???..........

by minimus 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • garybuss

    I've seen it over and over. From my experience, a believing walkaway is much worse to deal with than an active Witness any day. Now I treat former Witnesses or inactive Witnesses I don't know a LOT about like they are believing active Witnesses. That means I don't talk at all about religion or Witnessism. I haven't walked into any flame throwers since I adopted that policy.

  • undercover
    Yeah but these people don't go to meetings, personal study, preach, fellowship with other cult members.

    Yet, the control is still there. I've noticed that most people in this catagory are people who grew up as a JW or became one at an early age. Over time they drifted away, not because they doubted too much or were hurt, but because they just couldn't meet up to the standards. A lot of them beat themselves up because they don't do more. They'll admit that they will probably die at Armageddon but they'll defend the religion because its what they've been taught for so long, whether they adhere to it or not.

    One of my best friends growing up is DFd. Not because of apostasy, but because he couldn't keep his pants zipped. Ten years later, he's still out and miserable because he can't get reinstated because he continues to have relationships with "worldly" girls. He still believes its the "truth" but he also believes that he isn't good enough to come back and share in "true worship". The indoctrination worked on him as a child and he's never gotten over it. He considers himself doomed and not worthy of God's forgiveness. The WTS fucked him up good.

  • minimus

    Undercover, I see your point. A lot of these believers are guilty over the fact that they aren't good enough, probably believing they're gonna die at Armageddon. They're so indoctrinated and they hope that if the blood issue came up, they'd at least "remain faithful" til death-----and that's gotta count for something.

  • undercover
    They're so indoctrinated and they hope that if the blood issue came up, they'd at least "remain faithful" til death-----and that's gotta count for something.

    Yea, it's like they hope that being faithful in large things will make up for not being faithful in little things. It's a damn shame really.

  • Butterfly75

    That was my husband. When we were dating, I was Catholic and attended mass regularly in good years less regulary in others. My husband was raised a JW and never mentioned religion to me. Then one day we are talking about kids and he says I will tell them the truth. Oh boy was I shocked to here what that was. He was stuck in that state, thought they were right fell out because he couldn't keep up.

  • BizzyBee
    it's like they hope that being faithful in large things will make up for not being faithful in little things.

    These poor saps would almost rather die on the table for lack of blood and get it over with than get up and give a talk or go in field service for 30 years. I can understand that - sometimes I'd rather have died, too, I hated doing those things so much.

  • Chimene

    That is a hypocrite personified

  • BluesBrother

    I could not understand it when I was a dub, either.. there were those who did nothing for ages. Then perhaps something would spark them up and they would attend a few weeks until lethargy took over again .

    If you spoke to them in these long hibernations they would say " Of course I know its the truth, brother, but ,but but"............[there was always something]

    I think we are right to conclude that they are hooked, but cannot sustain the lifestyle. A lot find it difficult to mix regularly with a crowd. Perhaps they are easily upset, but they never quite let go. The ones I knew grew old. By now they probably died and had a JW funeral ....Oh Well.....

  • undercover
    That is a hypocrite personified

    On the surface, yea, I guess it is. But knowing some of these people personally, I see the pain and confusion that they have. They're not proud of themselves, some of them are miserable. I personally wouldn't catagorize these poor souls as hypocrits as much as victims.

    The real hypocrits are the ones who go to all the meetings, field service, put on a big show of being a zealous JW, but behind everybody's back, they do all the things that the WTS has counseled them not to do. I know some of them as well, and I don't have much pity for them. They're playing both sides for all its worth. I don't know what they hope to gain though, because if the WTS was right(), these hypocrits would not make it through Armageddon.

  • minimus

    They are guilty types. They always knew they couldn't "do more". so in their heart, they are firm "believers" but know that eeryone else regard them as "weak" or "immature".

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