Well said SuperBecka that was a super observation. Things instilled in a child when young will not necessarily make them a saint but it will be called to mind when going through life and hopefully they will make good decisions later in life. Un doing any form of conditioning is difficult and what's wrong with eggs done in a frypan anyway? Who says there is a right or wrong way anyhow? So many have become JW's as adults and yet still get conditioned to the teachings and it's hard to undo the thoughts just like that . I wonder how many who are critical of the "weak" ones who still believe quietly, are actually ones brought up from birth in the truth but were always of rebellious spirit any way and so then, found it easy to fall out and then critisize those who still cling on to the org mentally because of long term studying JW teachings.
Why Do Some "JWs" Do This???..........
by minimus 61 Replies latest jw friends
We can leave something we know is wrong - but sometimes it doesn't leave us.
They are programmed on those issues, just not into the effort needed. My in laws have not gone out in service in the 15 years I have known them. They have no clue about modern Witness teaching and could not argue a point out if their life depended on it. Attend about 50% of the meetings. If you say one negative thing about the Witnesses though, they are the Witness spokesperson for everything and would defend the nonsense to the death. No clue why, considering on time when they had to many beers, they admitted to not believing it.
Well said SuperBecka that was a super observation.
Thanks, wozadummy, it's something that I've been thinking about for a long time and that's the best way I can explain the way I understand it. After all, if I do the things I do because I learned most of them from my family, especially my parents and grandparents, when I was younger, why can't adult JWs who were raised in the WTS hold on to some of their beliefs, even if they are inactive, just because it's all they've ever known??
what's wrong with eggs done in a frypan anyway?
Hehehe, absolutely nothing!! I quite like my scrambled eggs cooked in a frying pan. Hey, if you're ever in town, I'll make you some scrambled eggs with a frying pan, I bet you'll like 'em.
-Becka :)
I agree that conditioning is a big part of why anyone does what they do. More so for those raised a certain way. But most of the persons that I am thinking of were not raised as JWs. Why would an inactive "JW" shun another person who also might be inactive yet celebrating a holiday or breaking Bible principles? I think it gives them a feeling of SUPERIORITY!!! It makes them feel better in the pecking order.
But most of the persons that I am thinking of were not raised as JWs. Why would an inactive "JW" shun another person who also might be inactive yet celebrating a holiday or breaking Bible principles? I think it gives them a feeling of SUPERIORITY!!! It makes them feel better in the pecking order.
Ahh, now I see what you're getting at. In that case, I think that, having been told that, as a JW, they are the only ones that God cares about and that everyone else is heathen, then even once they're inactive, they still have this "superiority complex" that makes them feel better than everyone else out there who's not a JW. They think they're too good to participate in "worldly" things and they think that anyone who is participating in such activities is some inferior being under the control of Satan and is doomed anyway, so the inactive JW believes that he/she is definitely better than the non-JW.
Hey, wouldn't you have an ego if you truly believed that you were one of God's "chosen people"?? If you were told that you were better than everyone else and that God was on your side and not the side of "unbelievers", you'd probably think that you were something special and better than everyone else, too.
-Becka :)
And these people would be considered "losers" by most people. Never achieved anything out in the "world" or in the "truth". The other extreme could be the Jackson family----talented, rich, worldly and weird.
I confess: When I was a superdub, I had nothing but disdain for these "submarine" JWs, who popped up once in a long while, then disappeared below the surface. I thought, Who are they kidding?
Since I learned the truth-about-the-truth, I can't help wondering if many of them weren't just as disillusioned as I was (or became) and this was their way of fading. As I look back on some specific examples, I realize there were family and business ties that kept them linked to dubdom. But they clearly weren't buying the whole program, or they'd have been at the KH as often as the rest of us. So now I salute them on their journey and hope they find complete freedom one day.
I'll never forget the CO in the early 70's that called these Witnesses "submarines". Everyone in the Hall would question, "Are Y O U a 'submarine' "????
I recently visited a freind who, with his whole family, stopped going to meetings years ago over an incident where an elder publicly condemned his daughter by stopping her being a publisherfrom the platform but did'nt consult either her parents or the other elders ,he was'nt reproved, no apologies etc. and consequently they stopped going. Well when I said I was not going any more he actually counselled me saying it would be wrong to just leave on account of wrong teachings and what apostates said!!!! Can you believe that after all the pain they went through, so I told him there was actually 3 points.
1. wrong teachings dates
2. the way the people are as an organization
3. the way the governing body handles the people
None of the above demonstate the true love and truth that I read in the scriptures. Funny though how people think ,having left for years and still holding a thread, his wife though was another story ,she told a circuit overseer to F... off at her door after years of them not coming around to see if they could help.