elderly people, not married, living together?

by Mulan 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ranchette

    If things change in the future,remember,you are a wonderful daughter who should not have second thoughts about taking care of both of your parents, if need be.
    If they were to get it on,so to speak,who cares!More power to them!
    I also understand your daughters' concerns.I could only imagine taking care of my parents!My father is Df'd and my mother is "THE HOLY MOTHER"witness.Like others have said it's no ones business, but you must consider your mental and emotional well being above all else.

  • TR

    I'm getting upset at the thought of a couple of old fossils "bumpin' uglies" be hind your back, Mulan.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • Eyebrow

    IF they did both live with you and did get together...just claim senility.

  • larc


    I think it's kinda cute, the old folks getting back together after all these years. They are going to do what they are going to do, and I don't see why it is your responsibility to even worry about it.

    My only concern is you having to put up with the two of them. I sure hope they can still cook for themselves and clean up their own rooms.

  • Mulan

    You guys are all so great. Thanks for the neat comments.

    Mom and Dad are an interesting duo. Dad is partially blind (only has some peripheral vision) and likes bright light, so likes to sit in my living room with the big window and sunlight. Mom has good vision, but her eyes are light sensitive, so she likes a darker room, and blinds pulled.

    She is an amazing cook, but doesn't cook much anymore. Dad can do minor things in the kitchen. Neither cleans very much. Dad is neat, and very organized, (Navy background I think) but never wipes a counter or cleans the floor, but he makes his bed everyday, and changes his own sheets. He can't see that anything else needs to be done. If Mom lived here, her COPES program people would clean for her. That would take some work off of me, not that I clean madly in Dad's place anyway. Before my son got married, he shared Grandpa's living space, and did all the cleaning.

    In a way, I am relieved that she is staying put for now, but I know eventually, I will have to take care of her, and it just seems easier to move her now, while I am still relatively young. Since she is extremely healthy, I suspect she will live to be 100, and I will be getting old by then. (her mother lived to be 94)

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • mommy

    Hey Mulan,
    I am so impressed with your giving attitude with your parents. Many, many, many adults shirk on the responsibility to care for their elderly parents. They claim, they will have extra work, or time taken away from their own families. Not even considering the years their parents spent on raising and caring for them.

    I am with Larc on this one, I think it would be cute for them to live together again. If they are friends, and get along then the company would be good for both of them. Either way, again you have impressed me with your kind spirit. And I hope that your children learn a lesson from you, and are giving of themselves when it comes time for you to be cared for.

    In a controversy the instant we feel anger, we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.

  • julien

    I see a potential problem with the proposed arrangement here.. Mulan you said "Dad is neat ... but never wipes" ..

    (sorry my years as a JW have impaired my ability to honestly quote people)

  • Princess

    I'm glad it's working out in your favor mom. I'm relieved for you. Everybody probably thinks I'm so awful for saying what I did but they don't know that I have watched Grandma make you miserable for as long as I can remember. I'd hate to see her have such easy access to you.

    Wendy, they have set a good example for us. We have a nice tent in the garage we will set up in the backyard when the time comes.


  • nelly136

    sounds like a great idea, if the PO whatever has any misgivings
    as to any 'immorality' you could always tell him you
    have no problem whatsoever with the congregation chipping in
    on a material level to
    assist pay your mums rent on her apartment so she can stay there

  • Mulan

    Nelly, that is a good idea. I will try it, if the time comes.

    Princess, I hope everyone has read the posts I've done on Mom and how difficult she is, so they will know you are only looking out for me. My selfish side says to move Dad in with her!! Then I'd have my life back!! For awhile anyway.

    For those who don't know about my mother, she has been a very difficult mother to have for most of my life. I believe she has a personality disorder, but when she is nice, she is really, really nice. Those times come and go, and she become someone else. Unfortunately, she is also a taker, and will take and take and take until you give out, and have no more to give her. Much of the time, I just can't talk to her, because she makes me so angry.

    But, I also know my responsibilities, and plan to do what I can. I wish I had more money to make it easier on her. Selfish again ....... I want to spend it on us, or my kids.

    Thanks about the tent, honey. I thought you gals were targeting me for a "home" as T says.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

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